UAA Planetarium: Fractals Rock! - Jan. 20, 2012

by Jamie Gonzales  |   

Friday, Jan. 20, 6:30-7:30 p.m. ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building, Room 220

Fractals Rock! features full-dome "fractal zoom" animations accompanied by a guided tour through the fractal patterns found in nature.

Fractals are all around us in the natural world, spanning a huge range of scales. The same patterns repeat themselves again and again, from the tiny branching of our blood vessels and neurons to the branching of trees, lightning bolts, and river networks. Fractals also serve as intricately beautiful representations of the otherwise abstract world of mathematics. They're surprisingly simple to make, but the closer you look at them, the more complexities you find. Fractals Rock! will take you on a visual tour of the endless fractal patterns of nature and magnify for you the infinite complexity of mathematical art.

Ticket reservations are available online only. Remaining tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis at the door on the day of the show. The planetarium will open for seating 30 minutes before the start of each show. You must be in the theater 10 minutes before the show starts. Reserved seats will be released after this time to stand-by customers. There is no entry after the show begins.

Shows are free for current UAA Planetarium members, $10 for adults, $5 for UAA students (with a valid ID) and $5 for children (4-18 years). Because the theater is dark and can be scary for young children, we do not recommend bringing kids under the age of four.

For more information, or to learn how to become a UAA Planetarium member please visit UAA Planetarium website.

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