Free firewood, April 14

by Jamie Gonzales  |   

Saturday, April 14, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
UAA Sports Arena site (Elmore and Providence Dr.)

Need some firewood? We're clearing the site of the new UAA Sports Arena and making the wood available to our neighbors at UAA, APU and Providence on Saturday, April 14, between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. After that, we'll open it up to the general public. Here's the procedure:

  1. Fill out a Hold Harmless Form (PDF). Give it to Earl at the work site and let him know you are with UAA, APU or Providence.
  2. Bring pickup trucks and/or snow machine trailers ONLY, no large commercial trucks or trailers as we are trying to accommodate as many families as we can.
  3. Bring your own personal safety items (e.g. gloves, long sleeve shirts, work boots and a good attitude).
  4. Please leave small children under 16 at home or you will be turned away. Safety is our biggest concern.
  5. No power tools will be allowed as we have bucked them into 8-foot lengths or smaller.
  6. Due to the amount of downed trees we won't allow smoking.
  7. We want everyone to have a great time and enjoy the wood so please respect the rules as they are for your own safety. So make sure you have adequate help to load as we won't have people to help.
You are free to pass it on to others that may need the wood in your organization.  If you have any questions, contact Tony Link at (907) 351-1821 or Earl on Saturday at (907) 242-7649.
Creative Commons License "Free firewood, April 14" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.