Consul General to speak Sept. 7 on ‘North Korea’s Nuclear Program: Challenges and Opportunities’

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

Friday, Sept. 7, 10-11 a.m.
Rasmuson Hall, Room 101

Young W. Song, Consul General of the Republic of Korea will speak on campus Sept. 7UAA will host a free public talk by Young W. Song, the Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Seattle, on Friday, Sept. 7 at 10 a.m. in Rasmuson Hall, Room 101. He will be hosted at UAA by political science professor Forrest Nabors.

The Consul General's talk will specifically address Alaska's exposure to developments in North Korea's nuclear program. While in the state, the consul general will also meet with Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell.

Mr. Song has provided this description of his talk:

In spite of North Korea's repeatedly avowed goal to become a "strong and prosperous country" in 2012, Kim Jong-un, a 28-year-old young man, inherited a state strained in abject poverty. It is hard to predict whether the succession from Kim Jong-il to his son, Kim Jong-un, will go smoothly in the long run. However, it is predictable that North Korea will choose, for its own survival, a time-tested tactic of repression at home and extortion from its neighbors. In doing so, North Korea will try to take full advantage of its valuable yet extremely dangerous asset: nuclear programs.

During the past 20 years, international society, the U.S. and South Korea in particular, have been making strenuous efforts to denuclearize North Korea. The result, however, could be considered, at best, as a limited success.

The U.S. and South Korea are pursuing a common policy toward denuclearization of North Korea, which is based on a two-track approach of deterring further aggression from the North while leaving a door open for dialogue. Although it is far from certain that North Korea would agree to abandon its nuclear programs at all, there seems to be no other option but to engage with this unruly regime, bilaterally or multilaterally, to dismantle its nuclear programs.

Mr. Song has an extensive diplomatic background that included posts with the United Nations. His emphasis has been on international peace and security, human rights, disarmament and non-proliferation, and international terrorism.

As Mr. Song's host, Nabors encouraged Alaskans to come out to hear the Consul General.

"Not only as Americans, but as Alaskans, we have a vested interest in the progress of events in North Korea, and in our friendship with South Korea," Nabors said. "Alaska and the Korean Peninsula are both located on the North Pacific Rim, and Anchorage is the closest American city to Pyongyang and Seoul. Few people in the world have as much experience with these diplomatic and security issues, as Consul General Song. His lecture is a rare opportunity for us."
This event is free and open to the public.  Parking at UAA is always free on Fridays.

For more information, please contact Forrest Nabors at (541) 968-2697 or

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