Center for Human Development celebrates 20 years

by Michelle Saport  |   

At CHD's celebratory open house on Sept. 13The UAA Center for Human Development (CHD) celebrated its 20th anniversary Sept. 13 with an open house for the community at its newly expanded site on Gambell Street. Guests included Chancellor Case, a wide range of UAA faculty and state and non-profit organization directors and community members. This milestone marks the growth of the center from modest beginnings in 1991 to the multi-million dollar disability-focused research and training center with programs and projects of statewide and national significance it is today. The current 23 programs are predominately funded through federal, state and foundation support and participant registration and fees.

CHD's work directly benefits the lives of Alaskans with disabilities and their families.  CHD provides academic and non-academic training for individuals with disabilities and for organizations that work with people with disabilities. It generates research that leads to advances in many interdisciplinary academic and practice arenas. Currently, there are collaborative programs and research projects with seven other universities. The center also furthers UAA's mission to strengthen Alaska's workforce through a variety of courses, from short-term trainings to courses leading to workforce credentials, occupational endorsements and associate degrees to electives for students enrolled in bachelor's programs.

As the center's administrative leaders and staff look forward, they anticipate building on established expertise, developing new initiatives and continuing to provide leadership in disability related education, research and practice.

Here's to another great 20 years!

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