Academic Calendar and Other Academic Deadlines
- Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar 2024-2025 was set in coordination with the UA Common Calendar dates established by UA Statewide. It has been updated to include Summer 2025.
If you have any questions pertaining to the academic calendar, please feel free to contact the Provost's Office at 786-1050.
For reference, past academic calendars are available below:
- Syllabi Collection
Syllabi Collection
These are deadlines to upload syllabi on the Academic Affairs site. Please keep in mind that colleges will have earlier internal deadlines for collection. Faculty should coordinate with their dean or campus director.
October 1
Fall deadline for colleges and community campuses to upload syllabi.
March 1
Spring deadline for colleges and community campuses to upload syllabi.
For questions about these deadlines, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs.
Updated 9/16/24
- Bookstore Orders
Bookstore Deadlines
Note: This schedule only includes the dates the bookstore portal is open for faculty to enter course materials.
October 23, 2024 - November 8, 2024 - Spring Semester Orders
Faculty course materials adoption portal open for spring semester orders
January 29, 2025 - February 17, 2025 - Summer Semester Orders
Faculty course materials adoption portal open for summer semester orders
March 26, 2025 - April 11, 2025 - Fall Semester Orders
Faculty course materials adoption portal open for fall semester orders
Bookstore Intranet for information, including adoption training videos
Updated 8/13/24
- Program Review and Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
Program Review Deadlines
March 1 - Programs submit Program Reviews to the dean.
To find out if your program is due for a Program Review this year, please see the Program Review website.
April 1 - Deans send Program Review response to the programs.
Using the form, deans send their response to the programs, with a copy to appropriate community campus director(s).
April 8 - Programs complete optional program response section and submit completed form to OAA.
Using the form, programs complete optional program response section, or indicate they do not intend to submit an optional response, and submit completed form to, with a copy to dean and appropriate community campus director(s).
August 1 - Provost sends final findings to program.
Using the form, provost completes final response and sends to programs, with a copy to dean and appropriate community campus director(s). Following that notification, findings are posted on the Program Review website.
To find out if your program is due for a Program Review this year, please see the Program Review website.
Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting
To find out if your program is due for a Biennial Assessment Report this year, please see the Assessment Plans and Reports website.
November 15 - Programs submit Assessment Reports to the dean.
To find out if your program is due for a Biennial Assessment Report this year, please see the Assessment Plans and Reports website.
January 15 - Deans submit feedback to the programs.
Using the form, deans submit feedback to the programs, with a copy to for posting, and appropriate community campus director(s).
For questions about these deadlines, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs.
- Curriculum, Assessment Plans, and Academic Policy
Curriculum, Assessment Plans, and Academic Policy Deadlines
These are deadlines for submission to Undergraduate Academic Board/Graduate Academic Board/Academic Assessment Committee. Please keep in mind that all appropriate department and college level approvals must be obtained before the below deadlines. The curriculum deadlines do not guarantee inclusion in the next UAA schedule and/or catalog, as this will depend on the workload of the different review bodies. For this reason, we encourage you to submit documents earlier than the final deadlines.
September 15
Course Changes for Fall Implementation - Due to Undergraduate Academic Board/Graduate Academic Board using CIM system
October 15
Deadline for items requiring Board of Regents approval for following fall implementation
New Program Proposals - Program catalog copy, sample plan [i.e., course sequencing document], any new or changed courses that go along with the program, and the assessment plan for the new program all are due to Undergraduate Academic Board/Graduate Academic Board using CIM system.
Academic Program Name Changes - Because it complicates the historical data for a program, name changes are rare, and the program is encouraged to discuss a possible name change with the dean and Academic Affairs before putting a proposal forward. The process for proposing a name change is to submit a memo stating the current program name, the proposed program name, and the rationale for the change. The memo should be submitted to the appropriate college curriculum committee after appropriate program/department review. The memo will then move through the regular curriculum process.
Exceptions to the Inactivation List - Due to Undergraduate Academic Board/Graduate Academic Board using CIM system, including justification and a definite plan to offer the course in the next year or so. The Undergraduate Academic Board and Graduate Academic Board chairs send the Course Inactivation List along with guidance to the faculty listserv at the beginning of the fall semester. If a program wishes to request an exception, the request is submitted using the Course Management System and should include any updates to the curriculum as well as the rationale for keeping the course active.
January 15
All Other Curricular and Assessment Actions Requiring Undergraduate Academic Board/Graduate Academic Board/Academic Assessment Committee and Faculty Senate Review - Due to Undergraduate Academic Board/Graduate Academic Board/Academic Assessment Committee using CIM system
February 15
Academic Policy Actions - Due to Undergraduate Academic Board/Graduate Academic Board using Word documents. There should be a clean version of the proposed policy. If a change to existing policy is proposed, a track changes version must be submitted as well.
April Faculty Senate Meeting
This is the final Faculty Senate meeting of the year for approval of curriculum and academic policy items from the Faculty Senate academic boards.
For questions about these deadlines, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs.
Updated 7/18/24
- Course Fees
Course Fee Deadlines
Per the Course Fee Policy, course fee requests are submitted by an academic unit leader (chair, director, assistant or associate dean, or other responsible academic unit lead) using the Course Fee Form. Through the workflow, the requests is reviewed by the dean/designee or campus director/designee, college strategic budget officer, and the provost/designee. (*Note*: Deans may request course fee deletions by emailing Academic Affairs, in lieu of submitting a form.)
These are deadlines for submission to Academic Affairs. Please keep in mind that all appropriate college level approvals must be obtained before the below deadlines. To allow time for follow up on any questions, units are encouraged to submit course fee requests earlier than the final deadlines.
December 1
Any remaining 100- and 200-level course fees and all 300-level course fees due to OAA using the new form and process
February 15
All 400- and 600-level course fees due to OAA using the new form and process
Requests for any AY2025-2026 course fee changes due to OAA using the new form and process. Moving forward, there will be one deadline for course fees, and it will be February 15 each year.
For questions about these deadlines, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs.
Updated 12/2/24
- Faculty Services
Faculty Services Deadlines
This calendar is specifically for the Faculty Services Office and Union due dates. Please check with your Dean’s/Director’s office for dates specific to each college/school as these may be different from listed here. Some things may be due to the Dean’s/Director’s office for signatures prior to being submitted in the Faculty Services Office. Check on the Faculty Services website for default IDEA student survey dates. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the academic calendar, please contact the Provost's Office at 786-1050.
Updated 7/30/24