Student Achievement
Dean's Lists and Chancellor's Lists are academic honors published each semester to recognize student academic achievement. The Community & Technical College Office of the Dean publishes a Dean's List each semester which includes all eligible students with a 3.5 GPA and above.
The Office of the Dean also publishes a list of graduates each semester in celebration of this tremendous milestone for our students.
To be eligible for the Dean's List, a student must be an admitted undergraduate degree/certificate-seeking student enrolled in at least 12 UAA credits graded with academic letter grades and must have earned a GPA of at least 3.50 for the semester.
Regardless of the number of credits a student is enrolled in, temporary grades of I (incomplete) or DF (deferred) will prevent a student from being eligible for the Dean's List. Graduate level courses will not be included for calculation of the Dean's List.
This CTC Dean's List is inclusive of students who are also eligible for the UAA Chancellor's List with a 4.0 GPA. The CTC Dean does not publish a Chancellor's List, which is the purview of the UAA Office of the Chancellor. Qualified students interested in seeking documentation of both honors should contact the UAA Office of the Registrar.