Licensure and Certification

The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) offers a variety of programs that provide the educational requirements for professional licensure or certification to work in the State of Alaska.

However, each state has its own licensure and certification requirements, and UAA’s program might not meet the educational requirements for a particular state.

For each state and territory below, you will find the list of UAA programs designed to meet the educational requirements for professional licensure or certification to work in Alaska. You will also find whether or not the UAA program meets the educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in that state, as well as a link to the appropriate state licensing board.

Students planning to work in another state will want to review the requirements of that state, as, in addition to educational requirements, there may be ogther requirements, such as professional exams, background checks, years of work experience, or fingerprinting, and these are subject to change.