Nursing Tutoring


Nursing tutors are available in person, on zoom, or by appointment. If you are dropping in, please see our tutors in the Learning Commons, on the first floor of the library. A large white "Nursing Tutoring" flag sign will mark their station. More times are available by appointment.  

Connect with a tutor today!

Online Zoom Hours: Zoom Room 

Tuesday 6:30 - 9 pm 

Wednesday 6:30 - 9 pm 

You can also Schedule an Appointment!

Our tutors can assist you with the following courses: 

NS A230 Pathophysiology for Health Professions
NS A332/L/P Fundamentals of the Nursing Profession: Theory, Skills, and Practicum
NS A231 Pharmacology for Health Professions
NS A388/L/P Nursing Care of Adult Medical Surgical Patients: Theory, Lab, Practicum
NS A452/P Nursing Care of Children and Their Families: Theory and Practicum
NS A453/P Nursing Care of Childbearing Families and Sexual Health
NS A471/P Nursing Care of Adult Medical Surgical Patients II: Theory and Practicum

NURS A120 Nursing Fundamentals
NURS A125 Adult Nursing I
NURS A180 Basic Nursing Pharmacology
NURS A220 Perinatal Nursing
NURS A222 Child and Family Nursing
NURS A223 Concepts of Adult Nursing
NURS A225 Adult Nursing II

"marker and homework"