Industry partners help to endow the Herbert P. Schroeder Chair for ANSEP
by Kathleen McCoy |
BP and Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, through its subsidiary, ASRC Energy Services, recently pledged $500,000 toward endowing the Herbert P. Schroeder Chair for the Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program (ANSEP). ASRC Energy Services and BP join Alyeska Pipeline at this giving level for the ANSEP endowed chair.
In December 2007, the Rasmuson Foundation contributed a $2 million challenge grant to fund the creation of the endowed chair position. On Saturday, October 25, UAA reached the challenge grant goal, with pledged gifts in excess of $4 million. This new Chair will ensure stable funding for a full-time, year-round faculty member dedicated to students enrolled in ANSEP.
Read the full news release here.