U-Med Neighbor Meeting this afternoon
by Kathleen McCoy |
Today, Jan. 16, 3-5:30 p.m.
Rasmuson Hall
In October 2008, an Anchorage Mayoral proclamation honored a U-Med institutional pledge to excellence in area resource use and management. The resulting Green District, Anchorage's first, agreed to excel in developmental categories including transportation, recycling and energy use and efficiency.
This afternoon, a U-Med Neighbor Meeting will be held in Rasmuson Hall from 3-5:30 p.m. Experts from the Municipality and U-Med Institutions will incorporate the advice and concerns of U-Med area residents, organizations, businesses and students into future plans. The meeting will focus on ways to make our lives economically and lifestyle-friendly. Help shape the discussion, and send comments or questions before the meeting by calling (907) 269-0190.
Those who live, work or study in the U-Med district are welcome. If you need any additional information, please call (907) 269-0190.