2009-2010 Discovery Award nominations are due
by Kathleen McCoy |
DEADLINE: Feb. 5, 5 p.m.
The Discovery Award recognizes one student each year who has exemplified overall academic excellence, including exceptional achievement in research or creative activities. This is a $2,000 award and not a project-based grant.
Students cannot apply for this award; they must be nominated by their academic departments or a subcommittee thereof. Nominee must be admitted to UAA as an undergraduate degree-seeking student. Nominee must be graduating in May, August or December 2010.
Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. on Feb. 5, 2010 to be considered for the 2009-2010
award. For information on the nomination process, please visit the OURS Web site.
Questions? Contact the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship at (907) 786-1086
or ayresearch@uaa.alaska.edu.
Click here to download a PDF of the nomination form.