Fidelity Investments rep will be at UAA - March 25-26, 2010
by Kathleen McCoy |
Thursday, March 25 10 a.m.-Noon
Eugene Short Hall (ESH), Room 210
Noon-5:15 p.m.
University Center, Room 143
Friday, March 26, 7 a.m.-3 p.m.
Rasmuson Hall, Room 207A
Nathan Hess from Fidelity will visit the UAA Campus on March 25 and 26 to talk to employees about
the University ORP, Pension and Tax Deferred Savings Plans. Please note, you do not
need to be a Fidelity client to schedule an appointment.
To schedule an appointment, call Fidelity at (800) 642-7131 Monday through Friday,
4 a.m.-8 p.m. Alaska time or at Fidelity Investments' Web site.