2011 Bike to Work Day a success; more opportunities to participate this summer
by Kathleen McCoy |
If you biked to work Friday, please complete a survey for the Municipality. This survey will be available throughout this week.
Also, if you would like to do more biking this summer, join us in a friendly competition with the Alaska chapter of the American Institute of Architects and Bicycle Commuters of Anchorage to see which businesses can get the greatest percentage of employees commuting to work by bike. You do not need to bike to work every day to join. This is a summer-long challenge starting on Friday, May 20 and ending September 10 with a mass ride and celebration at the Spenard Farmers Market.
How to get started:
- Go to www.greenlightride.com
- Click on the GET STARTED-JOIN NOW button.
- Enter your information in the blanks
- Type in the blurred word so the computer can make sure you're not a spammer
- Click submit
- On the page that you will be sent to, click on the drop down menu for competitions and click on All Competitions
- Scroll almost half way down the page (just before FINISHED COMPETITIONS), to "2011 Summer Bike Challenge, sponsored by AIA-Alaska and BCA (Business size 31 or more employees)" and click on APPLY
- Click on UAA Commuters
- Click on team profile
- Enter a comment and click apply
- It will send a message to team captain Howie Morse in Facilities Planning & Construction
If you have questions, please contact Howie at anhjm@uaa.alaska.edu.