The life cycle of squirrel knowledge

by Jamie Gonzales  |   

Team SquirrelTeam Squirrel' in the Arctic If you're lucky, studying biology can take you to the far corners of the earth. UAA Professor Loren Buck and post-doc Cory Williams have collaborated with UAF Professor Brian Barnes on a National Science Foundation grant to study the circadian rhythms of arctic ground squirrels. Joining them in the Arctic at Toolik Field Station this summer are research technician Jeanette Moore (UAF); Alicia Gillean, a teacher from Oklahoma who was matched with the team through the NSF PolarTREC program; and Kate Wilsterman, an undergraduate student from Pennsylvania who just might find herself at UAA for graduate school one day if Professor Buck can convince her to move north. She was selected for Team Squirrel through the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program.

We got a chance to follow the team into the field this week. Check out the blog, Field Notes, and have a virtual science adventure of your own.

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