Winning Proposals
UAA announces the 2016 winning proposals of the UAA Annual Fund for Excellence
The UAA Annual Fund for Excellence is made possible by alumni and friends. It provides unrestricted dollars critical to maintaining the margin of excellence at UAA. This year’s focus was to award worthy proposals that strengthen UAA’s Accreditation Core Themes.
The five winning projects—chosen from 26 proposals after a challenging evaluation process by a committee of representatives from Academic Affairs, Administrative Services, Student Affairs, community campuses, and students and alumni—will receive a total of approximately $164,000. The winning proposals include:
Supplemental Instruction for High Demand, High Attrition GERs (Shannon Gramse)
Supplemental instruction (SI) enhances student learning in courses with high enrollment but low pass rates. The Learning Commons will invite spring 2017 instructors to request SI support for their classes in this area. This instruction differs from standard tutoring by offering regularly-scheduled, small-group study and review sessions in which students work together to discuss readings and lectures, compare notes, develop organizational strategies and study for tests. SI encourages students to build crucial social connections, to learn how to integrate course content and study skills, to become more self-sufficient and to think critically and metacognitively about their learning.
Faculty-in-Residence (Ryan Hill)
With increased effort to support the academic success of student residents, the Department
of Residence Life (DRL) will introduce a Faculty-in-Residence program. The faculty
member will live in the Main Apartment Complex (MAC) and engage with the residential
community at least 10 hours a week. Among other duties, the faculty resident will
coordinate academic programs and workshops and participate in events in the residential
community to promote student success.
UAA Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) and the UAA Leadership Conference (Paula Fish)
With a focus on making students more academically and professionally competitive, ELP will provide leadership development to UAA students. The program enhances skills and competencies of students through self-assessment, learning and practice opportunities. ELP cultivates talents, knowledge and qualities to help students become accomplished in the classroom, competitive in the workforce and civic-minded in their communities.
The UAA Leadership Conference is a daylong event with educational sessions focused on developing participants' self-awareness, community building and citizenship. This year’s conference will be a collaboration between ELP and Student Activities and Commuter Programs. It will be held on Friday, March 24, 2017. National TED Talks speaker Drew Dudley will provide a keynote address during the conference luncheon, as well as present a community lecture and a faculty/staff professional development session while on campus.
UAAspire (Theresa Lyons)
UAAspire will foster relationships and build trust with high school students to help them navigate the educational pipeline to transition successfully into college and nurture a connectedness to UAA. Students at East, West and Bartlett high schools will receive personalized assistance to complete necessary applications and encouragement to participate in the many activities available to them. This project serves to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of UAA’s student body to reflect Alaska’s demographics more fully.
Tutor Center/Homework Night (Crickett Watt)
In an effort to promote student success and retention, the College of Engineering will expand its hours and number of available tutors through the Tutoring Center. Faculty will join the tutors once a week at Homework Night to provide additional support for the difficult curriculum required for engineering students. This enhanced program will offer one-on-one assistance and foster a sense of belonging in this learning community.
Congratulations to the awardees and thanks to all who submitted proposals this year.