May 2014

May 2014

UAA's 2014 Commencement and Chancellor's Awards.

Dear Community,

It’s been an outstanding year thanks to you—our faculty, staff and students. Congratulations to the Class of 2014—our largest ever at 2,420! There is much to celebrate this weekend—graduates, emeriti, honorary and meritorious service awardees.

Emeriti Phyllis Fast, Ping-Tung “P.T.” Chang, Lee Huskey, Stephen Langdon, Kim Peterson and Bart Quimby. Stan Vanover
will be honored as staff emerit.


None of this is possible without the impressive work of faculty and staff. Over the past month you've nominated faculty and staff for Chancellor's Awards in recognition of exemplary work at UAA.


I am pleased to announce the results of the 2014 Chancellor's Awards for Excellence.

Congratulations to:

Tracey Burke, Rebeca Maseda, Shawnalee Whitney and Landry Signé

Teaching Excellence: Tracey Burke, Associate Professor, School of Social Work; Rebeca Maseda, Assistant Professor, Department of Languages (Spanish); Shawnalee Whitney, Associate Professor,Department of Journalism & Communication and Landry Signé, Assistant Professor of Political Science.

Joshua Swift and Landre Signé

Excellence in Academic Research-Creative Activity: Joshua Swift, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Clinical-Community Psychology, UAF-UAA Joint Ph.D. Program; Landry Signé, Assistant Professor of Political Science.

Staff Excellence: Aisha Merced, Assistant to the Director, New Student Orientation.

Marva Watson

Diversity Excellence: Marva Watson, Director, Office of Diversity and Compliance.

Deborah Mole and Lora Volden

Promoting Student Achievement: Deborah Mole, Librarian/Professor, Consortium Library, Instruction & Reference Services; Lora Volden, University Registrar.

Deb Periman and Arlene Schmuland

Community Engagement and Service: Deb Periman, Associate Professor, Legal Studies Coordinator, Justice; Arlene Schmuland, Head, Archives and Special Collections, Associate Professor.


Larry Foster, Student Affairs A Team, UAA Smoke-Free Task Force

Stewardship: Larry Foster, Professor of Mathematics (individual award for sustainability); Student Affairs A Team (student assessments)–(small team award for operational effectiveness); UAA Smoke Free Task Force (large team award for safety).

Each individual and group Chancellor's Award carries a $500 cash prize.

Thank you for all you do for UAA!
Tom Case
Tom Case