Jens Munk

Ph.D. Geophysics, Ohio State University, 1999MS Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University, 1992
BS Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University, 1990
Teaching Responsibilities
EE A203 - Fundamentals of Electrical EngineeringEE A314 - Electromagnetics I
Professional & Department Service
2006-present Faculty advisor to the IEEE Student Branch2006-present Electrical Engineering Equipment Committee
2007-present Graduate Advisory Committee
1996-present Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Member
1996-present Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Member
1999 Outstanding PhD. Dissertation
1999 Presidential Fellowship
1990 Caldwell Scholarship (for outstanding EE undergraduate)
Research Interests
Electromagnetic modeling, inverse problems, material measurements, ionospheric studies, shallow geophysics, remote sensing.Publications
Hysell, D., J. Munk, M. McCarrick, 2014, “Sporadic E ionization layers observed with radar imaging and ionospheric modification”, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 20, 6987-6993.
Schnabel W. J., J. Munk, and A Byrd, 2015, “Field Note: Comparative Efficacy of A Woody Evapotranspiration Landfill Cover Following the Removal of Aboveground Biomass”, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 17, 159-164.
Miceli R., D. Hysell, J. Munk, McCarrick M., J. D. Huba, 2013 “Reexamining X-mode suppression and fine structure in artificial E-region field aligned plasma density irregularities”, Radio Science, 48.
Hysell D., Miceli R., Munk J., Hampton D. L., Heinselman C., Nicolls M., Powell S., Lynch K., and Lessard M.,2012 “Comparing VHF coherent scatter from the radar aurora with incoherent scatter and all-sky airglow imagery”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics, Vol. 114, A10313.
Schnabel W. J., J. Munk, W. J. Lee, and D. Barnes, 2012, “Four-year performance evaluation of a pilot-scale evapotranspiration landfill cover in Southcentral Alaska”, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 82, 1-7.
Schnabel W. E., J. Munk, T. Abichou, D. Barnes, W. Lee, and B. Pape, 2012, “Assessing the performance of a cold region evapotranspiration landfill cover using lysimetry and electrical resistivity”,International Journal of Phytoremediation, 14(S1):61-75.
Munk J., W. Schnabel, D. Barnes, and W. Lee, 2011, “Atmospheric loading effects on free-draining lysimeters”, Water Resources Research, vol. 47.
Munk J., K. Jezek, R. R. Forster, S. P. Gogineni, 2003, “An accumulation map for Greenland dry-snow zone derived from space-borne radar”, Journal of Geophysical Research:, 108(D9).
Baumgartner, F., J. Munk, K. C. Jezek and S. P. Gogineni, 2002, “On reconciling ground-based with space-borne surface backscatter measurements”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 494-496.
Baumgartner F., J. Munk, J. J. Daniels, 2001, “A geometrical optics model for high frequency electromagnetic scattering of dielectric cylinders”, Geophysics, 66, 1130-1140.
Career History/Work Experience
2014-Present Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage
2006-2014 Associate Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage
2002-2006 Assistant Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage
2002 Visiting Assistant Professor, Technical University of Denmark
2001-2002 Term Assistant Professor, Physics, University of Alaska Anchorage
1999-2001 Post Doctoral Researcher, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University