Past Session Calls

Past Sessions

If you miss the live session or would like to view the session as a refresher, the recorded webinars are listed below. For better results, you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser.  (Chrome and Firefox work best)


January 2020

ILP Lunch and Learn:  Early Childhood / Preschool: Assuring Access to Earliest Intervention



CWA Training Webinar
February 2019


Tribal Compact Webinar
December 2017
Opioid Webinar with Dr. Sonkiss
August 2017 
Initial Assessment Revision
July 2017
Moving Upstream by Building Protective Factors 4.19.16
April is Child Maltreatment Prevention Month. Join us for a discussion about what prevention is, WHAT KEEPS FAMILIES STRONG, why it's so important, what prevention work is happening is Alaska; and tips for everyday actions you can take to prevent child maltreatment. You'll be amazed by how small but intentional changes within your work can help to prevent child maltreatment!


Prudent Parent Standard 1.26.16. 
Preventing Sex Trafficking & Strengthening Families / Understanding Prudent Parent, APPLA and Older Youth.

OCS Funded Services to Children and Families - December 10, 2015
This webinar will provide the latest information about OCS Grantees who have been awarded funding this fiscal year to help meet the needs of children and families in Alaska.  The Service Array section at State Office will present general information about the grant services available, who the grant programs can serve and how to make referrals. Examples of OCS funded grants are:  Child Advocacy Centers, Rural Child Welfare, Family Preservation Programs, Family Contact Centers and Mentorships for Youth.

What is an MDT or a CAC - and Why Do I need to Know? - September 9, 2015
This webinar will provide information on working within A Multidisciplinary team (MDT) on the investigation and assessment of child maltreatment.  Additionally, you will be introduced to Child Advocacy Centers (CAC) and how you, as an OCS worker, are a key player in the process for children and families when they are brought to the CAC.  The new OCS policy for working with MDTs/CACs will also be reviewed.

Worker Safety - June 10, 2015 
Guidance training on how office workers can make significant contributions to their environmental awareness in their workplace.

Infant Safe Sleep Training - May 7, 2015
Many of you know we have seen a recent spike on the number of sleep related deaths of infants and the need to educate our families when we interact with them about safe sleep practices.  Presented by our partners at the Department of Public Health.

This webinar focuses on the resistant and key strategies to enhance your ability to engage them in becoming safe parents.  
OCS workers:  if you are interested in links to the following, please contact Lisa at CWA:
Courtroom Essential: Part 3 - February 9, 2015  Courtroom Essential: Part 2 - November 20, 2014 Courtroom Essential: Part 1 - September 26, 2014 
Maltreatment Findings Training - February 12, 2015 
Conducting an Initial Assessment encompasses three main decision points:   1. Determination Safety;  2.  Determining Risk; and 3. Determining whether the alleged maltreatment occurred according to our Alaska Statutes.  This training will focus on the new maltreatment decision policy that has undergone major changes to how we determine whether maltreatment is substantiated or not substantiated.  you will learn about the changes in policy and be able to practice using the new Maltreatment Assessment Protocol (MAP) that will guide the decision on whether to substantiate or not substantiate alleged maltreatment.

The FRAN - December 18, 2014
This webinar will cover recent updates to the Future Risk and Neglect (FRAN).  Join us to ask questions, discuss definitions and become more expert in assessing for high risk in families.  This webinar will cover important updates that all workers who use the FRAN will need to know.
Ethical Issues in Child Protection - October 14, 2014
This will introduce ethics and the various issues that child protection professionals encounter in their work with children and families.
Linda Chamberlain, PhD MPH, State of Alaska Family Violence Prevention Project, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Permanency Planning with Older Youth - July 23, 2014
Learn practical ways you can engage older youth to become partners in planning for their own success!  (Amanda Metivier, CWA Youth Education Coordinator; Shar Wharton, OCS Independent Living Coordinator; Sara Redmon, Foster Youth) 
FSA in Rural Alaska - June 10, 2014
This learning collaboration looks at current practices in villages, what's working, what's not working, and what is on the horizon.
Interviewing in FSA:  Developing Discrepancy with the Family - May 21, 2014
Includes discussion of techniques and pitfalls of interviewing and will end with a discussion of participants' experiences and questions.
Interviewing in FSA:  Building Partnerships with Parents in Introduction and Exploration  - April 22, 2014
Techniques of partnering with parents to develop a non-judgmental environment which promotes the discussion of behavioral change.
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Childhood Exposure to Violence and Brain DevelopmentMarch 20, 2014
An awesome learning opportunity brought to you by Dr. Linda Chamberlain!

Please contact Lisa at CWA for links to the following webinars: 

Preparing Families For Adoption - December 4, 2013  
Children aren't the only ones who need preparation for adoption.  When families aren't prepared for the children and changes coming into their home, adoptions and placement can disrupt.  How can we best prepare families for this important change in their lives?  (Aileen McInnis, ACRF Adoption Learning Path; Ruth Post, ACRF Building Families Through Adoption Classes; and Lisa Carr/Anna Dale, Permanent Families Grant for Home Studies in Northern Region)

OCS Information Sharing with Tribes (4) - November 27, 2013 This webinar will provide an overview of new policy and procedures related to when, what and how OCS workers can share information with a child's tribe or tribal entity.  Questions and audience participation encouraged. 

Finding the Right Family for a Child - November 20, 2013When the plan turns to adoption but there is not a family identified for a child, what next?  Four people involved with adoption recruitment projects talk about efforts to identify families for children.(Angela Perry-Carter, Wendy's Wonderful Kids; Brenda Ursel, PARKA Project; Yvonne Hill, Alaska Adoption Exchange; and John Donkersloot, OCS Specified Child Recruitment in Anchorage)

The FRAN:  Future Risk of Abuse and Neglect - November 7, 2013This webinar will help you understand how to answer the questions on the FRAN and what it means when you do.  Participants will refer to the definitions for the FRAN and will work through case examples.

Preparing Children and Youth for Adoption  - November 6, 2013Moving toward adoption means another transition.  How can we best prepare children and youth for the transition into adoption? (Amanda Metivier, CWA Youth Education Coordinator; Lisa Davis, Regional Adoption Specialist; and Sharon Lilja, Denali Family Services in Wasilla) 

Assessment: Case Planning With Youth Policy  - October 16, 2013A learning collaboration call to prepare for the new youth policy, 2.9.5 Family Services Assessment: Case Planning with Youth.  Attend this LCC to master your role in engaging youth in the permanency planning process and planning for an effective transition to adulthood.  Some topics to be covered: Case planning for youth ages 16 and older; Appropriate use of APPLA as a permanency goal; The role of RILS and Family Service worker; and Engaging youth in planning for self sufficiency.  Join us! 

Family Services Assessment Process - September 4, 2013This webinar covered the new Family Services Assessment process.  We discussed how to manage your time and had suggestions about how to make this real and doable for you and the families you work with; as well as how to address some issues that come from our working partners, such as schools, foster parents, courts, etc.  We also talked about some snags you may encounter and how to avoid them. 

Overview of TICW - August 14, 2013 OCS becoming Trauma Informed!  Understanding how trauma affects parents, children and YOU, is mission critical.  Join us to hear some basics on how we will weave trauma knowledge into the practice model.  Knowing that some of you have attended the trainings on trauma, please attend and listen to how some have implemented those things learned into their practice with families.  

Family Engagement and Motivational Interviewing - July 19, 2013Hello, everyone!  This was an hour with your statewide coworkers by participating in a webinar about the mindset and philosophy of Family Engagement and Motivational Interviewing!  Jay C. Bush lead the discussion focused on the "why" of using these two practices that help us join with and work together with parents in order to help them keep children safe and become strong resilient families. 

FSA Rollout - June 25, 2013
The CWA and fellow workers discussed the rollout of the Family Services Assessment (FSA).  This Learning Collaboration reviewed progress of the FSA in pilot sites, the rollout of the FSA across the state, and gave an overview of the new training scheduled to support the rollout.  Fellow workers shared on what has worked and what to prepare for as OCS moves forward!

YOUTH ENGAGEMENT  - May 23, 2013
This Learning Collaboration Call focused on key strategies to engaging older youth in foster care in planning for their own success.  Having a role in planning for permanency and identifying skills necessary to become self-sufficient, allows older youth an opportunity to drive and engage in their own plan.  Learn practical ways you can engage older youth to become partners in planning for their success! 
Working with Individuals with Developmental Disabilities - April 25, 2013
This interactive webinar provided background for working with individuals who have developmental disabilities; the use of People First Language; and gave PSS's a chance to ask questions about how to increase their effectiveness when dealing with difficult individuals with development disabilities.

APSIN - April 4, 2013

Writing for the Court in CINA Cases - March 23, 2013 (recorded version is not yet available)
Writing persuasively for the court is a skill.  This training provided guidance on how to write clearly and effectively, getting your point across in any situation without legalese.  Also covered are the required reports in a CINA case including disposition reports and permanency reports.  This training is appropriate for any party that wants to improve their court report writing skills.

Mental Health Issues and Safety Threats, Part II - March 28, 2013
This was the second of our two part series webinar on common mental health issues that Protective Services Workers encounter when assessing safety threats and impending danger.  Participants were encouraged to bring case experience to this webinar to discuss as examples.

Mental Health Issues and Safety Threats, Part I - March 19, 2013
This webinar discussed some of the common mental health issues that Protective Services workers encounter when assessing safety threats and impending danger.  Participants were highly encouraged to bring case experience to this webinar to discuss as examples!

New Year - New You! - January 11, 2013
HAPPY 2013!  You've probably made some New Year resolutions, so why not add self-care to that list!  Research shows that when the helpers help themselves first, they make better helpers!  Control your own destiny by making time for yourself.  Rest your mind, body, and soul.  This is a great webinar on self-care for protective services staff!!

Foster Youth Find Success - December 17, 2012
Join the CWA in a Learning Collaboration with two young adults who have grown up in Alaska foster care. These youth have experienced many challenges but have also found great success as young adults. They will discuss the many people, programs, and strategies that have helped them on their journey. We hope to inspire workers to connect with their own success while sharing new ideas that might help other youth currently in care.

Case Plan Goal Writing:  The Four-Square Method Part 2 - November 20, 2012
This webinar provided follow up to the October webinar and concentrated on a specific method for writing case plan goals.  The Four-Square method gives the worker a way to clearly understand the connections among safety threats, enhanced and diminished caregiver protective capacities and the goal itself.

Case Plan Goal Writing: The Four-Square Method Part 1 - October 25, 2012
This webinar concentrated on a specific method for writing case plan goals. The Four-Square method gives the worker a way to clearly understand the connections among safety threats, enhanced and diminished caregiver protective capacities and the goal itself.

Domestic Violence  - July 12, 2012
This webinar addressed domestic violence in the context of safety decision making. We discussed how to gather information about whether it is occurring and what to do abuot it once you learn there is domestic violence in the home.

APPLA: Making Sense of this Alphabet - June 13, 2012
This webinar covered the permanency plan of Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA). APPLA is the permanent plan often crafted for older teens that have been in the Child Welfare System and have not yet found an adoptive or guardian home for permanency. This webinar discussed the planning that the worker and youth can do together for successful APPLA placement and how to best determine when APPLA is the appropriate goal for a youth in care. We also addressed how to provide the youth with the connections needed for a successful transition to adulthood 

In-Home Safety Plans: To Support Reunification - May 9, 2012
A lot of training over the years has focused on developing safety plans to prevent an out of home placement, but there has been less discussion about how and when to use a safety plan to support returning children home in family services. This webinar reviewed the decision making process for returning children home. In home services and other supports for safety plans were also discussed. Participants practiced decision making using a case example from the field.  

Youth Led Webinar - April 3, 2012
This seminar is a museum formulated by youth members and advocates from Facing Foster Care in Alaska (FFCA). FCCA youth brought together objects, items, pictures, and commentary from their experience in foster care to formulate a Museum of Lost Childhood and a Museum of Youth Empowerment. It aimed to teach child welfare staff about foster youth culture in Alaska.

Safety Threats - March 5, 2012
This session led caseworkers and supervisors on how to analyze a safety threat and to describe how impending danger manifests within the context of a family's specific functioning.

Understanding Foster Care & Working with Resource Families (5-part webinar series)

Foster Care Legislation - October 4, 2012

Foster Care Licensing - October 10, 2012

Working with Foster Parents - October 17, 2012

Resource Family Panel - October 24, 2012

Increasing Placement Stability & Planning for Transitions - October 31, 2012