Associate Vice Provost for Research
Dr. George Kamberov
Associate Vice Provost for Research
Office: 1901 Bragaw, 373
Phone: 907.786.5472
George Kamberov currently holds the position of Associate Vice Provost for Research at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Before joining UAA, he was the head of the Visual Computing Laboratory and an Associate Professor and Associate Research Professor in Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology. Prior to those positions, he served as William Chauvenet Assistant professor at Washington University at St. Louis and a G. C. Evans Instructor at Rice University. He received a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1990. His research interests and publications are in real-time computer vision and graphics; machine learning; nonlinear analysis; high energy physics; the development and deployment of real-time systems for scene analysis, surveillance and forensics, and for monitoring and control of large sensor networks.
Dr. Kamberov’s research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, Google, and private foundations.
Research Projects
- Vision and Visualization: sensor data; the mobile network
- Summary: The overarching goal is to develop an interactive immersive environment for monitoring, video surveillance, control, and simulation of a network of wireless agents deployed in an urban area and to integrate the environment with the WiNSeC Testbed at Stevens.
- Funding: WiNSeC, Picatinny, US Army, March 2002-August 2004
- People: Y.Yukota, A. Jain, S. Goda, K. Chintalapati, J. Oliensis (2004), E. Angeloupolou, G. Kamberov(PI)
- Real-Time Geographic Visualization for the Mobile Networked Multiple Input Multiple
Output (MNM) Integrated Test Environment (MITE)
- Summary: Develop real-time methods for mobile network visualization, and implement and deploy a real-time geographic visualization GUI (RTGV) for the MNM Integrated Test Environment at the Lakehurst naval airfield. The RTGV supports on-the fly mobile network and environment data collection, tracking and display of the mobile agents' positions in the field, drill-down functionalities to show the network links status and connections properties, and real-time rendering and interaction with large scenes involving geo-referenced 3D terrain models of the testing area.
- Funding: Lucent, DARPA, March 2004 - April 2005
- People: A. Jain, R. Bader, A. Corrighan , B. Luczynsky, G. Kamberov (PI)
- Video Surveillance and Visualization Suite component of the Secure Infrastructure
Technology Laboratory at Stevens (SINTEL)
- Summary: Build infrastructure and develop methods for video-based surveillance of the SINTEL test area and the surrounding eight miles radius sector of the Hudson river. The two principal objectives are: (i) to support automatic correlation of the acoustic noise with sources, locations, and behavior; (ii) develop automatic video-based methods to identify and track aerial and surface vessels.
- Funding: ONR, August 2005 - June 2009
- People: R.Bader, B.Luczynsky, I. Meraly, M. Powers, R. Stolkin, G. Kamberov (PI)
- Video-acoustic-seismic sensor fusion in an urban environment
- Summary: Investigate, develop, and test design concepts for sensor fusion for arrays combining video, acoustic, and seismic sensors in an urban environment and demonstrate their applicability to tasks including threat and object identification and tracking, object and incident classification and geo-location. Key objectives are to develop new methods for learning and exploiting vehicle signatures based on shape/color, acoustic, and seismic tags, and for video assisted adaptive beam forming in a cluttered environment.
- Funding: ARDEC US Army, September 2006- September 2007
- People: TBA, G. Kamberov (PI)
- Video-based surveillance and forensics
- Summary: This is a large project whose main research topics fall in two main groups: (i) Robust real-time surveillance and scene analysis based on new methods for object classification, identification of scene changes and anomalies from low grade video, rapid terrain acquisition and GPS-free geolocation. (ii) Forensic analysis of video recordings and creation and maintenance of reference data bases.
- Corporate Funding, Period: August 2006- April 2009.
- People: TBA, G. Kamberov (PI)
- Manifold learning and scene segmentation from unorganized 3D point clouds
- Summary: This is a long term project - we are developing a novel automatic point-based approach for assigning topology and for defining and computing surface geometry from unorganized 3D point clouds obtained from 3D scenes. The methods work on noisy data from scenes involving multiple objects, partial views, surfaces with boundary points, and tangent points. The topology is based on a implicit estimate of a surface distance and is used to segment the 3D point cloud into manifold components. To achieve robustness and speed the topology and geometry are extracted without curve and surface reconstruction.
- Funding: ARDEC US Army, WiNSeC PicatinnyUS Army, NSF pending. November 2000 -
- People: A. Jain, G. Kamberova, G. Kamberov (PI)
- Modeling and particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation of ELM-produced particle and energy
pulses and their effect on the SOL in TOKAMAKs.
- Summary: This is an international collaboration with a number of Bulgarian mathematicians and physicists. We are developing phenomenological models and simulation code for the outward flow of relativistic particles propagating from the separatrix to the divertor target, and for the inward flow of impurities in the SOL. These models will be validated using complex diagnostics from different regimes of JET operations. They are needed for more realistic simulations of fuel plasma in ITER - like runs with JET. The new PIC code is used to perform extensive simulations of full discharge of plasma. The code incorporates a novel approach to Monte Carlo simulation of alpha particle collisions, processes with relativistic electrons, and key collisions of impurities (e.g. ionization, recombination, fragmentation).
- Funding: EURATOM Key Action Controlled Thermo-Nuclear Fusion, ITM PROJECT 3 campaigns C15-C17 JET work program, the European Union, Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. September 2001-
- People: Bulgaria: T. Nikolov, D.Vasileva, P. Marinov, V. Hristov, N. Manev, P. Godev, L. Popova (PI); USA: G. Kamberov
- Solutions of the Dirac Equation on Higher Genus Surfaces
- Summary: We will study solutions of the Dirac equation for spinor transforms. These solutions are used to construct immersed surfaces in R3 with prescribed properties by reducing the geometric constructions to analyzing first order linear systems of partial differential equations. In particular, we will investigate the construction of Bonnet surfaces and conformal deformations of closed surfaces of genus one. The work on Bonnet surfaces is part of an ongoing program on the Bonnet conjecture. The deformations of tori will be studied in context of human gait analysis.
- Funding: International research development grants from Stevens and the German Government, August 2006-February 2007.
- People: C. Moller (Germany) and G. Kamberov (PI)
- Flexible mobile platforms for continuous range and imagery collection
- Summary: This project will acquire a state-of-the-art, custom sensor suite, the 3D Content Digitization Suite (3DCDS), to support research and performance evaluation of computer vision and robotics algorithms in challenging real-world, outdoors, dynamic scenes. The project will result in novel methods for 2D-3D fusion for real-time geometry processing; large-scale scene understanding and hierarchical semantic context inference.
- Funding: National Science Foundation, August 2009-July 2012.
- People:P. Mordohai, G. Kamberova, J. Oliensis, (Co-Pis) G. Kamberov (PI)
- Quaternions, Spinors, and Surfaces , George Kamberov, Peter Norman, Franz Pedit, Ulrich Pinkall, 2002, American Mathematical Society , 2002, ISBN 0821819283.
- DNA Array Image Analysis, G. Kamberova and G. Kamberov (eds), DNA Press, to appear.
Refereed journals
- Intermittent Plasma Transport Across Magnetic Field Lines, G.Kamberov and L.Popova, , Comptes Rendus Bulg. Academy of Sciences, Vol 60(11) 1167-1170, 2007
- Correlations of ELM frequency with pedestal plasma characteristics, G.Kamberov and L.Popova, Contributions to Plasma Physics (CPP) vol 45, issue 2, p 111-117, March 2005
- Correlations of ELM Frequency with Pedestal Plasma Properties, L.Popova, T.Nikolov, G.Kamberov,P.Marinov, Fusion Science and Technology vol 47, N 3 , 801-805, 2005. (aka Correlations of ELM frequency with pedestal plasma characteristics II)
- Effect of the recombination processes on plasma properties in SOL, L.Popova, T.Nikolov, G.Kamberov,P.Marinov, Comptes Rendus Bulg. Academy of Sciences, Vol 58 (11) 1257-1264, 2005
- Study of the ionization rate in the SOL, L. Popova, D. Tskhakaya, S. Kuhn, T. Nikolov, S. Hristov, V. Hristov, G. Kamberov, H.Marichkova, Z.Tomova, D.Vasileva, Contributions to Plasma Physics vol. 44, 1-3, p.252-255 (2004)
- Quadratic Differentials and Surface Shape, G. Kamberov, Rend. Sem. Mat. Messina, pp 200-210, 2000.
- Description of gross features of collider collisions and EAS in terms of hadron relativistic thermodynamics, G.Kamberov and L.Popova J. Phys. G: Nucl. and Part. Phys. Vol 25, pp 1765-1768 (1999)
- Prescribing Mean Curvature: Existence and Uniqueness Problems, G. Kamberov, ERA-AMS, 4 , 4-11, 1998
- Bonnet Pairs and Isothermic Surfaces, G. Kamberov, F. Pedit, U. Pinkall, Duke Jour. of Math. 92 (1998)
- Recovering the Shape of a Surface from the Mean Curvature, G. Kamberov, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, 1, 353-358, 1998.
- Hadronic relativistic thermodynamics based on statistical semi-inclusive model, G.Kamberov and L.Popova, Comptes Rendus Bulg. Academy of Sciences, vol.49, 11-12, 1996.
- Prescribing the eigenvalues of a diffeomorphism and solvability of the singular Cauchy problem, G. Kamberov, Duke Jour. Math, 65, (1992)
- A singular problem in elasticity theory, D. DeTurck, G. Kamberov, Cont. Math, 68, (1987)
Refereed Proceedings
- George Kamberov, Matt Burlick, Lazaros Karydas, Olga Koteogou, "Unsupervised Detection of Video Sub-scenes", Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.
- George Kamberov, Matt Burlick, Lazros Karydas, and Olga Koteogou, "Leveraging Crowd-Sourced Data for Creating Temporal Segmentation Ground Truths of Subjective Tasks", In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition- Workshops Ground Truth, 2013, Portland, OR.
- SCAR: Dynamic Adaptation for Person Detection and Persistence Analysis in Unconstrained Videos , George Kamberov, Matt Burlick, Lazaros Karydas, and Olga Koteogou, Proceedings International Symposium Visual Computing, ISVC2012, Springer Lecture Notes In Computer Science 7432.
- The Architecture of the Systems Engineering Experience Accelerator, Wade, J., Kamberov, G., Bodner, D., Squires, A., International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) 2012 International Symposium/European Conference on Systems Engineering (EUSEC), Rome, Italy, July 9-12, 2012.
- Simulation-Based Decision Support for Systems Engineering Experience Acceleration, Bodner, D.,Wade, J., Squires, A., Reilly, R., Dominick, P., Kamberov, G.,Watson, W., IEEE Systems Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 19-23, 2012.
- Collaborative Track Analysis, Data Cleansing, and Labeling, G. Kamberov, G. Kamberova, Matt Burlick, Lazaros Karydas, Bart Luczynski, Proceedings International Symposium Visual Computing, ISVC2011, Springer Lecture Notes In Computer Science 6938 and 6939.
- Geometric Integrability and Consistency of 3D Point Clouds, G. Kamberov and G. Kamberova, Proc. XIth IEEE Intl. Conf. Comp. Vis, Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
- An Adaptive Background Model for CAMSHIFT Tracking With a Moving Camera, R. Stolkin, I. Florescu, G. Kamberov, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, Kolkata, India, 2007.
- 3D Geometry from Uncalibrated Images, G. Kamberov, G. Kamberova, O. Chum, S. Obdrzalek, D. Martinec, J. Kostkova, T. Pajdla, J. Matas, and R. Sara, 2nd Intl. Symposium on Visual Computing, Lake Tahoe, NV, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006.
- Effect of Nitrogen Impurities in the SOL of Magnetically Confined Plasma, G. Kamberov, L.Popova, T. Nikolov, P. Marinov, V. Hristov, 17th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, Albuquerque, NM, November 2006.
- 3D shape from unorganized 3D point clouds, G. Kamberov, G. Kamberova, A. Jain, Intl. Symposium on Visual Computing, Lake Tahoe, NV, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3804, pp 621-629, 2005.
- Real time computer vision and computer graphics, and situation awareness in an urban environment, G. Kamberov, P. White, Proc. Homeland Security Research Conference, Boston, 2005.
- Effect of the recombination processes on plasma properties in SOL, L.Popova, T.Nikolov, G.Kamberov,P.Marinov, Conf Report P –II-13 16th TOFE Madison USA (2004) published in the Proc American Nuclear Society, 2004.
- Conformal Method for Quantitative Shape Extraction: Performance Evaluation, G. Kamberov, G. Kamberova, ICPR 2004, Cambridge, UK, IEEE Proceedings Series, 2004.
- Topology and Geometry of Unorganized Point Clouds, G. Kamberov, G. Kamberova, 2nd Intl. Symp. 3D Data processing, Visualization and Transmission, Thessaloniki, Greece, IEEE Proceedings Series, in cooperation with Eurographics and ACM SIGGRAPH, 2004.
- Study of the effective ionization rate in ELMs propagation, L. Popova, S.Hristov, V.Hristov, S Kuhn, H.Marichkova, G. Kamberov, Z.Tomova, D.Tskhakaya, D.Vasileva, Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices 9, 2003.
- Recovering Surfaces from the Restoring Force, G. Kamberov, G. Kamberova, Proceedings of ECCV 2002. Lecture Notes in Comp. Science, Volume 2351, pp 598-612, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002.
- Shape Invariants and Principal Directions from 3D Points and Normals , G. Kamberov and G. Kamberova, 10th Intl. Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization, (2002), Journal of WSCG, Volume 10, Pages 537-544, 2002.
- Plasma Confinement in High Energy , L. Popova and G. Kamberov, Proc. 28 EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal 2001. P5.074 p 614. 2001.
- Ill-Posed Problems in Surface and Surface Shape Recovery, G. Kamberov, G. Kamberova, Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2000. Volume: 1, Page(s): 552-557, 2000.
- Violation of KNO scaling, L.Popova and G.Kamberov Nuclear Physics B, vol. 75 A , p. 287-289, 1999
- Connection between the statistical parameters of hadronization and the QCD coupling constant, L.Popova and G.Kamberov, “Workshop on observing giant cosmic rays”, Proc. 433 American Institute of Physics , p 446-460, 1997.
Current Preprints
- Orientation Integrability and Consistency of 3D Cloud Geometry, G. Kamberov and G. Kamberova, Stevens Institute of Technology, Technical Report, CS 2007-01, 2007.
Talks and Presentations
Recent Talks and Presentations
- Penn Vision Reading Seminar: "Extracting the Manifold Structures Underlying 3D Point Clouds", GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February 24, 2011.
- GRASP Seminar: "Discovery and Learning from Noisy Data", University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, October 12, 2010.
- Computer Science Seminar: "Scene Reconstruction and Understanding from Low Quality Data", UC Berkeley, February 18, 2008
- Center for Machine Perception, CS Department, Czech Technical University, Praha, March 11, 2006.
- Medical Geometry Meeting, CS Department, UNC, Chapel Hill, February 2006.
- Imaging: IMA Annual Program Year Workshop, New Mathematics and Algorithms for 3-D Image Analysis, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, MN, January 9-12, 2006 (poster)
- Image Processing Seminar, UCLA, November 4, 2005.
- Graphics Lunch, Princeton University, October 24, 2005
- IRIS Vision Seminar, University of Southern California, Spring 2005.
- Image Processing and Analysis Working Seminar, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, MN, February 17, 2005.
- 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission, Thessalonica, Greece, September 9, 2004.
- International Conference in Pattern Recognition, Cambridge, UK, August 2004.
- Being There, Joint presentation to IXO DARPA, G. Kamberov, G. Kamberova, K. Daniilidis, June 2004.
- Invited Lectures at Submaniflods Sendai 2004 Workshop, The 21st Century COE Project, Exploring New Science by Bridging Particle-Matter Hierarchy, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, February 17-18, 2004.
- Lectures on Dirac Spinors, Conformal Surface Immersions, Shape Invariants, and Exclusion Principles, Fifth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, Varna, Bulgaria, 2003.
- European Conference in Computer Vision, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2002
- Winter School in Computer Graphics, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 2002
- AMS Special Session, Three Bridges from Applied to Pure Mathematics, Atlanta, GA, March 8-10, 2002
- Gaussian Representations of Surfaces, AMS Meeting 966, 2001
- European Physics Society, Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal 2001. (Presented by L. Popova)
- AMS National Meeting, Mathematical Challenges of the 21st Century, Los Angeles, CA, 2000
- IEEE, Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition, Hilton Head, NC, 2000
Earlier Talks
- Invited address: International convention on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Messina, Messina, Italia, October 12-14, 1998.
- AMS Meeting # 936, Winston-Salem, NC October 9-10, 1998
- 1998 Lehigh University Geometry/Topology Conference June 11-13, 1998
- AMS Meeting # 934, Univ. of California, Davis, CA, April 24-25, 1998
- 1998 International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
- A New Look at Surfaces and Shape Recovery, Third Midwestern Conference on Partial Differential Equations, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, November 7-9, 1997.
- Quadratic Differentials, Quaternionic Forms and Conformal Immersions, AMS Meeting # 927, Milwaukee, Wisconsin., October 24-26, 1997.
- Holomorphic Quadratic Differentials and Conformal Immersions , International Conference on Differential Equations
and Dynamical Systems, Waterloo, Canada, August 1-4, 1997. - Mean Curvature Data and the Shape of a Surface, AMS meeting # 920, April 12-13, 1997, College Park, Maryland.
- Shape Invariants of Surfaces in , Dirac Spinors, and Recovering the Shape of a Surface
from the Mean Curvature,
Intl. Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Springfield, MO, April 1996. - New Results on the Rigidity of Embeddings with Prescribed Mean Curvature Lehigh University Geometry and Topology Conference, Bethlehem, PA, June 1995.
- Determining the Shape of a Surface from its Mean Curvature, Lehigh University Geometry and Topology Conference, Bethlehem, PA, June 9-11, 1994.
- Initial Boundary Value Problems for Ricci Flow, AMS meeting # 878, January 1993, San Antonio, Texas.
- Ricci Flow on Manifolds with Boundary. Generalized Weyl Problem, AMS meeting # 873, Springfield, Missouri, March 20-21, 1992.
- Riemannian Metrics with Prescribed Ricci Curvature, AMS meeting, University of South Florida, Tampa, March 22-23, 1991.
- Singular Systems of PDE in Riemannian Geometry, AMS meeting, University of North Texas, Denton, Nov. 2-3, 1990.
- Geometry Seminar, SUNY, Stony Brook, March 3, 1998
- Geometry Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, to be held in Spring 1998.
- GANG Seminar, UMass, Amherst, November 24, 1997.
- Geometry Seminar, Rice University, November 14, 1997.
- Colloquium, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 10, 97.
- Colloquium, Univ. das Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil, July 2, 97.
- Colloquium, UNICAMP-USP, São Paulo, Brazil, June 97.
- Lectures on Quaternions and Spinors, University of Saõ Paulo, Brazil, May 24 - July 1, 1997.
- Lectures on Conformal Immersions, Institute Fourier, Grenoble, France, to be held.
- Lectures on Singular Differential Equations in Physics, Physics Department, Univ. of Naples, Italy, to be held.
- Mathematics Colloquium, Oregon State University, Corvalis, to be held.
- Mathematics Colloquium, McMaster University, Canada, March 21, 1997.
- Cartan-Lie Seminar, Computer Science Department, University of Pennsylvania, November 1, 1996.
- Geometry/Analysis Seminar, Northeastern University, Boston, October 18, 1996.
- Geometry-Topology Seminar, Mathematics Department, University of Pennsylvania, October 3, 1996.
- Geometry/Analysis Seminar, Courant Institute, New York, September 13, 1996.
- Analysis and Applied Math Seminar, Yale University, April 17, 1996.
- Mathematics Colloquium, Dartmouth College, February 1, 1996.