Emergency Food Cache
Emergency Food Cache
Are you a UAA student who is hungry and in need of food?
Visit the UAA Student Health and Counseling Center front desk to request a FREE food bag from the Emergency Food Cache available to UAA students. Food includes already prepared or easy to prepare packaged foods.

Donate Today to the Cache
The University of Alaska Anchorage recognizes students need for food assistance. The Emergency Food Cache is established from monetary donations to provide students a three-day supply of food at a time. We still need help to maintain this wonderful program. All donations go directly to helping our UAA students!
Donations are accepted through a secure University of Alaska Foundation website.
Donations can also be mailed into:
University of Alaska Foundation
1815 Bragaw St. Suite 203
Anchorage, AK 99508
Checks are payable to University of Alaska Foundation.
Memo: #20903 Emergency Food Cache
We are grateful for any financial donations to help our students be successful in their academics!