Geology Course Schedule
Course Descriptions
Please refer to the Course Catalog descriptions for detailed course information.
Full Course Schedule
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Spring 2025
*Planet Earth
3 Credits
*Planet Earth
Introduces physical geology, study of earth and its materials. Includes processes that operate on and within earth. Formation of common rocks and minerals, and basics of mineral and rock identification and classification. Registration Restrictions: MATH A055 or higher
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30866 001 MW 2:30PM - 3:45PM CPSB 120 Kushner, David January 13 - May 3 16 Blackboard
CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30868 201 Kushner, David January 13 - May 3 9 -
*Planet Earth Lab
1 Credits
*Planet Earth Lab
Introduces students to laboratory skills in physical geology. Emphasizes practical skills such as the identification and classification of minerals and rocks. Covers the proper use and interpretation of topographic and geologic maps, and remote sensing data. Applies lab skills to solve real-world problems in the geosciences. Includes on-site interpretation of geology on a field trip led by the instructor.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30869 001 M 10:00AM - 12:45AM NSB 102 Boccignone, Leah January 13 - May 3 11 View detailed information for CRN:30870 002 T 2:30PM - 5:15PM NSB 102 Freeman, Elizabeth January 13 - May 3 5 Blackboard
CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30871 201 Freeman, Elizabeth January 13 - May 3 7 -
*Dangerous Earth
3 Credits
*Dangerous Earth
Introduces the study of applied environmental geology with a focus on geologic processes and linkages to how humans interact with the geologic environment. Includes both internal and external Earth processes and related topics such as climate change, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, coastal processes, and mineral and energy resources. Registration Restrictions: MATH A055 or higher
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35296 201 TR 12:00AM - 1:15PM DIST ONLINE Klein, Eric January 13 - May 3 9 View detailed information for CRN:35296 201 TR 12:00AM - 1:15PM NSB 106 Klein, Eric January 13 - May 3 9 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
*Dangerous Earth Lab
1 Credits
*Dangerous Earth Lab
Investigates problems in environmental geology related to volcanic and earthquake hazards, surface and groundwater pollution, landslides, coastal processes, and waste disposal with emphasis on the local areas in Alaska. Includes several local field trips. Registration Restrictions: MATH A055 or higher
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35273 001 W 10:00AM - 12:45AM NSB 106 Boccignone, Leah January 13 - May 3 14 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Introductory Topics in Geology
1 - 3 Credits
Introductory Topics in Geology
Introductory study of a selected topic in geology. Special Note: May be repeated with change of topic.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
No Distance Learning courses available.
Professional Practices in GEOL
3 Credits
Professional Practices in GEOL
Introduces workplace ethics, responsibilities, and expectations of geologists in a professional role. Practices research methods, writing, and presentation techniques in the geosciences. Includes research design, proposal writing, resume and job applications, scientific writing, critical review, and oral presentation techniques. Registration Restrictions: BS Geological Science majors only
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30872 201 MW 10:00AM - 11:15AM DIST ONLINE Aschoff, Jennifer January 13 - May 3 9 View detailed information for CRN:30872 201 MW 10:00AM - 11:15AM NSB 204 Aschoff, Jennifer January 13 - May 3 9 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Geologic Data Analysis
3 Credits
Geologic Data Analysis
Introduces different types of geological data and basic computational methods for visualization and analysis. Provides skills to understand the nature of geoscience datasets and perform quantitative interpretation to fully understand many subject areas in geosciences.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30873 201 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM DIST ONLINE Harrichhausen, Nicolas January 13 - May 3 12 View detailed information for CRN:30873 201 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM NSB 204 Harrichhausen, Nicolas January 13 - May 3 12 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
3 Credits
The description and classification of volcanoes, volcanic eruptions, and volcanic deposits. Includes the history of volcanic studies, myths, and legends. Emphasis on the dynamics of volcanic eruptions, pyroclastic rocks, lava flows, and volcanic hazard assessment.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35287 201 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM CPSB 215 Cannatelli, Claudia January 13 - May 3 9 View detailed information for CRN:35287 201 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM DIST ONLINE Cannatelli, Claudia January 13 - May 3 9 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Igneous &Metamorphic Petrology
4 Credits
Igneous &Metamorphic Petrology
Covers identification and classification of igneous and metamorphic rocks, interpretation of textures, structures, and mineralogy of rocks. Includes the study of chemical and physical principles controlling the formation of rocks, importance of various rock types in economic and industrial arenas. Extensive study of hand specimens with emphasis on composition, texture and structure.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30874 001 TR 10:00AM - 12:45AM CPSB 215 Cannatelli, Claudia January 13 - May 3 10 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Advanced Topics in Geology
1 - 4 Credits
Advanced Topics in Geology
Detailed study of a selected topic in geology. Special Note: May be repeated for credit with change of subtitle. Not available for credit to students who have completed GEOL A690 with same subtitle. May be stacked with: GEOL A690
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35297 251 MW 2:30PM - 3:45PM DIST ONLINE Harrichhausen, Nicolas January 13 - May 3 7 View detailed information for CRN:35297 251 MW 2:30PM - 3:45PM NSB 106 Harrichhausen, Nicolas January 13 - May 3 7 View detailed information for CRN:35299 252 MW 4:00PM - 5:15PM DIST ONLINE Kushner, David January 13 - May 3 10 View detailed information for CRN:35299 252 MW 4:00PM - 5:15PM NSB 106 Kushner, David January 13 - May 3 10 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Geology Seminar
1 Credits
Geology Seminar
Lecture series with invited professional geologists, discussion of relevant professional papers and research. Topical nature of material. Special Note: May be repeated under different subtitles for a maximum of 3 credits.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:36082 201 R 3:00PM - 4:30PM CPSB 105A Harrichhausen, Nicolas January 13 - May 3 17 View detailed information for CRN:36082 201 R 3:00PM - 4:30PM DIST ONLINE Harrichhausen, Nicolas January 13 - May 3 17 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Geology Internship
1 - 3 Credits
Geology Internship
Work experience in an approved position with supervision and training in various agencies and businesses. Exposes student to work environment beyond the campus setting, to acquire essential practical skills and enhance self-confidence and career direction. Special Note: May be repeated, but only 3 credits count toward major requirements. Registration Restrictions: Junior standing
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30879 002 - ARR ARR Aschoff, Jennifer January 13 - May 3 1 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Student Research
1 - 3 Credits
Student Research
Student research conducted on specific subjects in geology. Research topic to be approved and directed by a faculty member in the Department of Geological Sciences. Special Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Registration Restrictions: Faculty permission.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30880 001 - ARR ARR Aschoff, Jennifer January 13 - May 3 0 View detailed information for CRN:30881 002 - ARR ARR Cannatelli, Claudia January 13 - May 3 -1 View detailed information for CRN:30882 004 - ARR ARR Klein, Eric January 13 - May 3 1 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Graduate Topics in Geology
1 - 4 Credits
Graduate Topics in Geology
Intensive study of narrowly defined topic in geology with emphasis on current problems. Independent research project required. Special Note: Students are required to have background in physical and historical geology. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits with change of subtitle. Not available for credit to students who have completed GEOL A490 with the same subtitle. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing or instructor approval. May be stacked with: GEOL A490
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35298 251 MW 2:30PM - 3:45PM DIST ONLINE Harrichhausen, Nicolas January 13 - May 3 19 View detailed information for CRN:35298 251 MW 2:30PM - 3:45PM NSB 106 Harrichhausen, Nicolas January 13 - May 3 19 View detailed information for CRN:35300 252 MW 4:00PM - 5:15PM DIST ONLINE Kushner, David January 13 - May 3 18 View detailed information for CRN:35300 252 MW 4:00PM - 5:15PM NSB 106 Kushner, David January 13 - May 3 18 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Independent Study
1 - 3 Credits
Independent Study
No description available for this course.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:36373 001 - ARR ARR Cannatelli, Claudia January 13 - May 3 0 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Directed Research
1 - 6 Credits
Directed Research
Thesis-specific research for the Master of Science in Applied Geological Sciences. Research topic must be approved by thesis advisor. Special Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing and thesis advisor approval
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30884 002 - ARR ARR Cannatelli, Claudia January 13 - May 3 -1 View detailed information for CRN:36175 001 - ARR ARR Klein, Eric January 13 - May 3 -1 View detailed information for CRN:36620 003 - ARR ARR , January 13 - May 3 1 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Graduate Thesis
1 - 3 Credits
Graduate Thesis
Preparation and completion of thesis for the Master of Science in Applied Geological Sciences. Special Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing and permission of graduate advisor required.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30885 001 - ARR ARR Cannatelli, Claudia January 13 - May 3 0 View detailed information for CRN:36176 002 - ARR ARR Klein, Eric January 13 - May 3 0 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.