Health sciences major Gloria Renken receives AARP Alaska scholarship
Health sciences major Gloria Renken receives AARP Alaska scholarship
Health sciences major Gloria Renken receives AARP Alaska scholarship
Corrie Whitmore, assistant professor of health sciences with DPHS, was elected as president of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Board of Directors.
Dr. Travis Hedwig collaborates with At Home in the North, an effort focused on advancing a contextually and culturally relevant understanding of the northern housing continuum. Travis is a cultural and medical anthropologist and is a faculty member in the Division of Population Health Sciences at the University of Alaska Anchorage. He is interested in applied health research, particularly issues of mental and behavioral health, housing and homelessness, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and other disabilities, and community health.
Micah Hahn, assistant professor of environmental health in UAA's Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies, was recently one of seven recipients awarded a $76,000 Early-Career Research Fellowship from the Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies. The seven fellows were selected for the Human and Community Resiliency Track, one of three new tracks GRP launched earlier this year. They will spend the next two years pursuing research contributing to advancing health equity and examining the social determinants of health in the Gulf States of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Alaska.
Cora Lyon was awarded the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship, an undergraduate scholarship awarded to about 300 college sophomores and juniors annually in the disciplines of natural science, mathematics, and engineering. The merit-based scholarship is allocated on need and awards recipients up to $7,500 for tuition.