Faculty & Staff Forms
This is a compendium of forms that you may need in working with Graduate Students. If there is an area that you are not sure is covered by this listing, please contact the Graduate School. If you are having trouble downloading or printing a form, hit "Shift" along with left click on the form. or check the "Download" icon in the upper ribbon.
- Report of Outside Examiner
Report of Outside Examiner
This is not an active link. The OE Memo and Report forms are individualized by the Graduate School and emailed to the Outside Examiner prior to the defense. The Report is submitted by the Outside Examiner to the Graduate School within one week after the defense.
- Graduate Assistant/Fellow Contract Letter Templates
- Faculty Initiated Drop/Add Form
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Proposed Graduate Studies Plan
Required as part of the INDS application packet. Once admitted to the INDS program, this original GSP must be entered into and approved via DegreeWorks. - Graduate Interdisciplinary Project Approval Form
INDS Thesis Defense should use the Thesis/Dissertation Defense Report form. - INDS Project Defense Report
Form includes Graduate School Dean's signature. INDS Theses should use Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form.
- Proposed Graduate Studies Plan
- Special Requests
- Graduate Academic Petition
Deviations from UAA catalog policies or requirements must be approved by submitting this form. Petitions must be approved by all signers to move forward to the next level. The Graduate School Dean has final approval on all petitions. Please read the catalog for graduate policies before the petition is submitted. Contact the Graduate School with questions on what may or may not be petitionable. - Graduate Change in Program or Concentration
This form is required to change majors or emphasis area in within the same program and within the same college after you have been admitted. - Request for Temporary Leave of Absence
Required to temporarily suspend studies while admitted to a graduate degree program. If students are not “continuously registered” (see catalog policy) or submit a Request for Leave of Absence, they can be removed from degree-seeking status and will have to be reinstated before resuming studies. - Reinstatement to Graduate Degree Status
Submit if the student has been removed from your program for failure to undertake continuous enrollment and/or not make continuous progress:
1. You must have been in good standing (overall GPA and most recent semester GSP is 3.0 or higher.
2. Your last enrollment was less than two years ago (six semesters including summers). For periods over two years, you must reapply for admission (see Application for Admission) to your program. -
Graduate Student Workload Exception Request Form
Required when requesting an exception of the Board of Regents Student Employment Guidelines (P09.05.030) in allowing a graduate student or graduate assistant or fellow to work more than 20 hours per week or 40 hours per pay period. International students on F-1 or J-1 visas are not permitted to work more than 20 hours per week and therefore are not eligible for this waiver. Waiver form is not necessary during summer employment. This form does not cover external employment outside the university for graduate assistants.
- Graduate Academic Petition
- Project Forms
- Project Committee Form
Required for all students completing applied research projects for the initial appointment or revision of their committee. - Proposed Project Topic & Research Compliance Form (RCIP)
Required of all graduate students completing an applied research project. If research categories are NOT applicable to the project, then check “NO” for each category. This form must be submitted. Your project chair must sign as "PI". - Project Defense Approval Form
Required for all students who are completing a project instead of a thesis or dissertation. Must be submitted after the project defense and before the Project Approval Form. - Project Approval Form
Required for all programs requiring an applied research project to meet degree requirements. This form is used to signify final approval of the project. Please ensure that the entire form is completed including embargo and research approval information. Please note that all DNP students must use this form.
- Project Committee Form
- Thesis/Dissertation Forms
- Thesis/Dissertation Committee Form
Required for all students completing a thesis or dissertation for the initial appointment or revision of their committee. - Proposed Thesis/Dissertation Topic & Research Compliance Form
Required of all graduate students completing a thesis or dissertation. If research categories are NOT applicable to the work, then check “NO” for each category. This form must be submitted. Your thesis/dissertation chair must sign as "PI". - Thesis/Dissertation Defense Approval Form
Required for all students who are completing a thesis or dissertation.The form must be submitted after the thesis/dissertation defense and before the Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form. - Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form Deadline: December 2nd, 2024
Required for all programs requiring a thesis or dissertation to meet degree requirements. This form is used to signify final approval of the thesis or dissertation. Please ensure that the entire form is completed including embargo and research approval information.
- Thesis/Dissertation Committee Form
- Student Report Forms
Annual Report of Graduate Student Progress
Required annually for all students awarded Research, Teaching, Services Assistantships or Fellowships; Interdisciplinary Degree students, or for those programs wishing to document student progress/jeopardy as part of the academic process.
- New deadlines:
Students who started their degree in summer or fall: May 15th every year
Students who started their degree in spring: December 15th every year.
Note: For graduate students in professional programs and/or those programs not hiring assistants or fellows, advisors should insert a predefined note in a student's DegreeWorks file on an annual basis if the student has meeting satisfactory academic progress. If not, please use the Annual Report form to document the student's next steps.
- New deadlines:
- Graduate Comprehensive Exam Report
Required for programs that require a written or oral comprehensive final exam.
- Report on Project Defense (See Project Forms)
- Report on Thesis/Dissertation Defense (See Thesis/Dissertation Forms)