FLEUR Award - Health and Wellness

This is a faculty award for up to $5000 in project expenses of which $2500 may apply toward a faculty stipend

This award is made possible by generous support from the Alaska Cardiovascular Research Foundation

The intent of the Faculty Leadership in Expanding Undergraduate Research (FLEUR) Award is to support a faculty member that proposes to integrate original health and wellness research efforts into an undergraduate course. Students in the course will play an active role in conducting the research thereby adding active discovery and inquiry into their learning experience. The goal is for students to partner with the faculty member on the faculty member’s research project as part of the course curriculum. The primary activities for the students should not be low-level tasks such as data entry or stuffing envelopes, but rather the students should play the role of collaborators to help design, explore, implement, or analyze components of the research project. If the work leads to publication or presentation in the field then the students’ participation should warrant acknowledgement as contributors or credit as co-authors.

The faculty member may spend the funds on any equipment or activities that directly support the student research, including equipment, software, supplies, travel, professional services, and salary for student assistants. This is an award to the faculty member (or team of collaborating faculty members), not to students. Of the $5000, the faculty member may elect to apply up to $2500 toward an additional summer assignment or additional off-contract-semester assignment in recognition of the time required to develop the curriculum. Alternatively, the faculty member may elect to apply the entire award toward project expenses.

Deadline: Rolling Deadline.

Eligibility: Full-time bipartite or tripartite faculty at all ranks are eligible to apply.

Project Requirements

The faculty will work with students to produce a tangible research product related to health and wellness that should demonstrate student accomplishment of research or creative activity.

If it is not feasible for all students in the course to participate in the research activity then a subset of at least five students must participate in order to qualify for the award. FLEUR is not intended to support research with individuals or a smaller group of students (which would be appropriate for an undergraduate research grant).

If the research involves human subjects, vertebrates, radiation, hazardous chemicals, or biohazards, then the project will require approval by the appropriate review board or safety committee and certification for the faculty member and students. The proposal must address these issues and indicate when training will be completed in the proposed timeline. Some faculty assign training to students as a homework assignment. See http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/research/ric for more details about research integrity and compliance.

Evaluation Criteria

The proposals will be rigorously evaluated by a multi-disciplinary faculty awards panel appointed by the Task Force for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship. Faculty mentors will be awarded the grant based on the likelihood of success of the project and the impact on the student(s) as evidenced by (1) a realistic research project plan committed to conducting research through the curriculum and (2) prior successful experience working with undergraduate researchers. The awards panel will also consider faculty achievements and/or the impact upon faculty research or creative growth.

Faculty expectation and accountability

Individual faculty will meet regularly with the student(s) to evaluate and guide the student research/creative activities. Faculty will deliver a report to the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship summarizing the progress of the student(s) and the research/creative project at the end of each semester. Together, the faculty member and student representative(s) will present the research results at the Undergraduate Research & Discovery Symposium.

To evaluate the efficacy of FLEUR an awarded project must be assessed to determine if (1) students are engaging in research opportunities that would not otherwise be available and (2) faculty are increasing their research productivity in health and wellness. Both the faculty and the participating students will complete an exit survey focusing on learning and their research project outcomes. Finally, the faculty member will notify the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship of any research products produced as a result of the award and answer a short yearly questionnaire for the next two years to assess the longer term impact of the award.

Proposal Timelines

Proposals submitted in the fall should describe a project to be implemented the following spring, summer, and/or fall. The additional faculty assignment will be paid in the following summer (or other off-contract semester).
Proposals submitted in the spring should describe a project to be implemented in the following summer, fall, and/or spring. The additional faculty assignment will be paid in the following summer (or other off-contract semester).

Application Procedure

1. Cover sheet
Download form below.

2. Abstract (up to 300 words)
A one paragraph summary of the project proposal and expected outcomes.

3. Project Narrative (3-6 pages)
Introduction and details of both the proposed research (research question, hypothesis, methodology, etc.) and how the research will be integrated into the course. Include a description of the existing course, design of the new curriculum, and proposed student activities. How many students will be impacted and what new aspects of research will students learn that is not taught in the existing course? How will students be assessed to determine if they are successfully engaged in research? This section should also address potential issues with research integrity and compliance.

4. Anticipated Results (1-2 pages)
Describe anticipated results of the research itself, the research products produced by the students, and anticipated research products produced by the faculty.

5. Project Budget (1 page)
Budget narrative and projected expenses including amount for faculty assignment in the summer or off-contract semester (maximum of $2500).

6. Project Timeline (1 page)
Anticipated start or completion dates of major project milestones. Include the semester in which the course is taught and the dates of the final written report and symposium presentation.

7. Project References (1 page)
Use the standard convention for your discipline.

8. Curriculum Vitae (1-3 pages)
Include a description of past experience mentoring undergraduate researchers.

Instructions for Completing the Cover Sheet:

  1. Download the interactive .pdf file.
  2. Either (a) complete the form electronically and print or (b) print the form and complete it by hand.
  3. Either (a) submit completed, signed cover sheet and all application materials to the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship in RH 115 or (b) send completed, signed cover sheet and submit all application materials by email to UAA Honors College


FLEUR Award Health and Wellness Proposal Cover Sheet