
AFHVS/ASFS support scholarship on a wide variety of topics at their conferences, and hence we encourage but do not require that works submitted speak directly to this year’s theme. Submissions are invited from scholars, practitioners, activists, and others working in food systems and culture. Submission areas include a wide range of disciplinary and inter/transdisciplinary topics, including but not limited to those listed below:

  • Food systems (from production to consumption)
  • Food business, enterprise, and entrepreneurship
  • Food marketplaces (informal economies, subsistence trade, etc.)  
  • Food, culture, folklore, and language
  • Food in media, art, design, and technology
  • Food ethics, justice
  • Food access, security, and sovereignty
  • Food and migration
  • Food policy and governance
  • Food and education
  • Food science
  • Nutrition and dietetics
  • Agri-food systems and the environment
  • Food and health disparities
  • Food and equity (race, class, gender, etc.)
  • Subsistence foods
  • Alaska and the Circumpolar North
  • Other (please define)

Submission Procedure

The submission system is closed!

Submission system closes on January 15, 2019.

All proposals must include:

  1. type of submission (e.g., individual paper, panel discussion, sensory session, poster session);
  2. title of paper, panel, poster, session;
  3. submitter's name, organizational affiliation, and status (e.g., undergraduate, graduate student, postdoc, faculty, independent scholar, food systems worker)
  4. submitter's email address;
  5. names, email addresses, and organizational affiliations of co-authors or co-organizers;
  6. abstract of 250 or fewer words that describes the proposed presentation;
  7. indication of any special AV/technology needs;
  8. select topical category(ies) for your work (select at least one, no more than three)
  9. any attachments must include the submitter’s name in the title

For individual papers: Papers will be grouped with similarly themed topics to the best of the program organizers’ abilities. Please submit a single abstract along with contact information.

For panels: Panels are pre-organized groups of no more than 4 papers, with a chair (and possibly a discussant, who may be the same person). Please include a panel abstract as well as abstracts for each individual paper. Conference organizers will make the utmost effort to preserve panels but reserve the right to move papers with consultation from panel organizer.

For sensory sessions: Sensory sessions seek to demonstrate the ways in which food studies engages us through our senses to understand and experience food in new ways. This is also an opportunity to share approaches to experiential learning. Pedagogical sensory sessions should not only talk about sensory engagement, but also propose interactive learning opportunities. Share your favorite hands-on lab activity or a tasting exercise that you use in your classes or research in these sessions.

For pedagogical sessions: These sessions should be specific to classroom practical needs, not just theoretical works. Presenter should prepare curricular materials to share with the attendees, preferably already tested in the classroom. A pedagogical session should be hands on where attendees can try out the materials, and will last as long as a panel.

For poster proposals: Please submit an abstract as described in individual papers

Notifications of acceptance will be provided by January 30, 2019. Please note that summers are high season in Alaska and the earlier you make your arrangements more affordable they will be. Registration rates will increase after March 30, 2019. For inclusion on the final program, at least one author from each submission must be registered as an attendee. Multiple submissions from an author are allowed. This year we will allow remote presentations by presenters who cannot attend the conference in person.

Please direct questions to zkilic@alaska.edu.