Panel: Food Security Assessment (University Student and Refugee Populations)
Day 2, Morning Session II, 10:30 am - 12:10 pm, BMH 119
(Theme: The Food System: Access, Availability, and Utilization)
- “Understanding the Experiences of University Students at the Intersection of Food Insecurity and Homelessness,” Rashida Crutchfield, California State University, Long Beach; Jennifer Maguire, Humboldt State University; Nancy Meyer-Adams, California State University, Long Beach
- “Food and Housing Insecurity Among a Sample of Alaskan Post-Secondary College Students,” Kathi Trawver & Travis Hedwig, UAA
- “Finding Food Security in the Cold North: Challenges for Vermont Resettled Refugees,” Linda Berlin, University of Vermont; Hannah Stokes-Ramos, University at Buffalo
- “Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Diet and Nutritional Status among Burmese and Congolese Refugees in West Central Florida,” Roberta Baer, University of South Florida
- “Rethinking What Food Security Means on a College Campus,” Nicole Peterson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Andrea Freidus, University of North Carolina, The Jamil Niner Food Pantry at UNC Charlotte; Students of the UNC Charlotte Applied Anthropology Classes 2015-2017