Panel: Critical Seafood Studies: Taste and Politics of Wilderness in the North Pacific Seascapes
Day 2, Afternoon Session II, 3:30 pm - 5:10 pm, RH 110
(Theme: Business of Food: Land and Sea)
Panel organizer & chair: Shingo Hamada, Osaka Shoin Women's University
- “Coastal Whaling Revisited: Whale Meat Foodways in Japan and Norway,” Jun AKAMINE, Hitotsubashi University.
- “The Cultural Politics of Marine in Northeast Taiwan,” Ying-ching WU, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- “Beyond Socio-Ecological Nostalgia: Japanese Salmon Fishers and the [Re-]Becoming Futures of Place- and Community-Based Salmon,” Mayumi FUKUNAGA, University of Tokyo
- “Localizing Taste: Seascape, Merroir, and Techno-Herring in Northern Japan,” Shingo HAMADA, Osaka Shoin Women’s University