Panel: Food Education Outside University Walls
Day 2, Afternoon Session II, 3:30 pm - 5:10 pm, ESH 203
(Theme: Food Systems and Education: Part I)
- “Nutrition Science Through the Looking-Glass: An Exploratory Study of How Lived Experiences Shape Engagement with Scientific Information,” Clare Gupta & Lenna Ontai, University of California Davis; Wei-Ting Chen, University of California Cooperative Extension
- “Reclaiming the Community Roots of Extension: Facilitating Engagement through Urban Agriculture,” Lucy Diekmann, University of California Cooperative Extension & Marcy Ostrom, Washington State University.
- “Innovations in Farm-to-School in Rural California,” Gail Feenstra, Shosha Capps & Kaitlin Donovan, University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (UC SAREP)
- "Parent Activists Versus the Corporation: A fight for School Food Sovereignty," Sara R. Stapleton, University of Oregon