Allan BarnesPh.D.

- 1983: Ph.D. (Criminology), Florida State University
Allan Barnes, professor emeritus, received his Ph.D. from Florida State University in 1983 and has been with UAA since 1984. Barnes has been a police officer, a prison psychologist, a probation and parole officer, a police and court clerk, an administrator for a treatment facility for young adult offenders, an Assistant Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Officer in the Army Reserve, and director of the Alaska Justice Statistical Analysis Center (housed in the UAA Justice Center, now known as the Alaska Justice Information Center). He has served on the boards of many local organizations, chaired numerous UAA committees, provided invited testimony to the Alaska Legislature, and produced a number of articles and reports on a wide variety of Justice topics.Research Interests
- Criminology
- Crime prevention
- Program evaluation
- Exploring POGIL for use in Justice courses as part of an overall Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) emphasis at UAA
- Evaluating an offender reentry program
- Evaluating a local Weed and Seed program funded by the federal Bureau of Justice Assistance