Angela GoverPh.D.

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Professor (affiliate faculty)
School of Public Affairs — University of Colorado Denver


  • Ph.D. (Criminology and Criminal Justice), University of Maryland, 2000


Angela R. Gover, an affiliate faculty member of the UAA Justice Center, is a Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice and Director of the Undergraduate Program in Criminal Justice in the School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado Denver. Dr. Gover received her Ph.D. in Criminology from the University of Maryland. Her research primarily focuses on victimization, violence against women and children, and gender and crime. Some of her published work has appeared in the journals Violence and VictimsJournal of Interpersonal Violence, and Violence Against Women.

For more information, see Dr. Gover's biography at the University of Colorado Denver website.

Research Interests

  • Family violence
  • Violence against women
  • Gender and crime


For Dr. Gover's publications, see her biography at the University of Colorado Denver website.