Deborah PerimanJ.D.

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Justice Center
PSB 224E


  • J.D., Willamette University College of Law


Deborah Periman is a professor in the Justice Center. She received her Juris Doctor from Willamette University College of Law. Her work in private legal practice focused on commercial/bankruptcy, admiralty, and insurance law. Prof. Periman’steaching background includes legal research and writing, legal ethics, legal history, and nonlawyer professional regulation and practice.

See posts about Prof. Periman on the Justice Center blog.

Research Interests

  • Legal writing
  • Regulation of nonlawyer professionals and unauthorized practice of law
  • Collateral consequences of criminal convictions/offender reentry


"Expungement and Limiting Public Access to Alaska Criminal Case Records in the Digital Age" by Barbara Armstrong and Deborah Periman. Alaska Justice Forum 32(1): 2–9 (Spring 2015).

"Collateral Consequences and Reentry in Alaska: An Update" by Deborah Periman. Alaska Justice Forum 30(3–4): 1, 7–10 (Fall 2013/Winter 2014).

"Employment Barriers and Domestic Violence" by Deborah Periman. Alaska Justice Forum 30(3–4): 10–11 (Fall 2013/Winter 2014).

"'The Governor's Court of Last Resort:' An Introduction to Executive Clemency in Alaska" by Ronald S. Everett and Deborah Periman. Alaska Law Review 28(1): 57–96 (Jun 2011).

"Prisoner Reentry and the Uniform Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act" by Deborah Periman. Alaska Justice Forum 27(4): 1, 8–12 (Winter 2011).

"9th Circuit Update: En Banc Order Vacates Felon Disenfranchisement Opinion" by Deborah Periman. Alaska Justice Forum 27(3): 4 (Fall 2010).

"Felon Disenfranchisement and the Voting Rights Act — Farrakhan v. Gregoire: 'A Crowd of One'" by Deborah Periman. Alaska Justice Forum 26(4): 1, 11–12 (Winter 2010).

"Sex Offender Registries and Notification Programs" by Deborah Periman. UAAJC Research Overview 4 (May 2009).

"Revisiting Alaska's Sex Offender Registration and Public Notification Statute" [paper] by Deborah Periman. UAAJC Occasional Paper 2 (Oct 2008).

"Revisiting Alaska's Sex Offender Registration and Public Notification Statute" [article] by Deborah Periman. Alaska Justice Forum 25(1–2): 2–5 (Spring/Summer 2008).

"The Hidden Impact of a Criminal Conviction: A Brief Overview of Collateral Consequences in Alaska" [paper] by Deborah Periman. UAAJC Occasional Paper 1 (Dec 2007).

"The Hidden Impact of a Criminal Conviction: A Brief Overview of Collateral Consequences in Alaska" [article] by Deborah Periman. Alaska Justice Forum 24(3): 1, 6–12 (Fall 2007).

"Direct Actions against Marine Insurers: A Call for Uniform Legislation [Comment]" by Deborah Periman. Willamette Law Review 21(2): 279–304 (Spring 1985).

"Scott v. Cascade Structure: Washington Adopts a 'Net Damages' Approach to Contributions among Joint Tortfeasors [Note]" by Deborah Periman. Willamette Law Review 20(4): 859–864 (Fall 1984).

"Letting the Defendant Decide: State v. Jones [Note]" by Deborah Periman. Willamette Law Review 20(3): 567–577 (Summer 1984).