Support OURS
Donors, through their generosity and commitment to providing Alaska with a well-educated generation of future leaders, have made all of the OURS Grants and Awards possible.
Undergraduate Research Grants, Discovery Awards and Discovery Grants are funded by a generous donation from KeyBank and donations to UAA's Undergraduate Research Fund and Estelle J. Spatz Fund. A major donation from the Alaska Heart Institute supports the Alaska Heart Institute Fellowship for undergraduate biomedical research. Dorin and Argentina Parasca have sponsored the Parasca Science Research Award. Dr. Alex Hills has sponsored the Dr. Alex Hills Engineering Research/Service Project in the Community Award. Institutional partners include: the Consortium Library, the Institute for Social and Economic Research and the Office of Community Partnerships. Finally, grateful acknowledgement is made to Sir Paul Nurse for his support of undergraduate research opportuntities at the University of Alaska Anchorage.
We hope you’ll contribute, as well.
To make a donation, please contact Bobi Rinehart, (907) 786-1107.
In addition, the University of Alaska Foundation web site has more information about giving gifts to UAA.
Thank you for giving the gift of discovery to UAA students.