How to Register

Priority Registration

For fall and spring semesters, UAA follows a staggered priority registration schedule based on student class standing. Class standing is determined by total completed and in-progress UAA credits. In-progress credit is credit for which a student is enrolled during the current semester. For example, UAA in-progress fall credits would count toward UAA priority registration for the following spring semester.

UAS or UAF credits count toward UAA priority registration only if they are transferred to UAA.

To check class standing, log in to UAOnline, go to the "Student" tab and click on the "Check Your Registration Eligibility" link in the Registration menu.

Registration opens online at 12:00 a.m. on the priority registration day for each student type.

Online Registration

All online registration is completed through UAOnline. The UAOnline site is used to access student records, registration activity and other account information. New users of university online resources can claim their credentials at All current and former students of the University of Alaska system have a UAOnline account.

Registration remains open 24/7 until the close of registration. Telephone assistance is available during regular business hours at 907-786-1480.

Registration Video Tutorials

Step-by-Step Registration

  1. Go to UAOnline and click the "Log In" link.
  2. Enter UA username and password (the same credentials for Blackboard or UAA e-mail). Current students who are already using university online resources, such as e-mail and Blackboard, do not need to reactivate their account. New users of online university resources can claim their credentials at
    For assistance contact  UAA IT Technical Support at 907-786-4646 or toll-free at 1-877-633-3888.
  3. Once in the secured area, select the "Student" tab, then click on "Registration."
  4. In the Registration menu, choose "Schedule Planner." On the Schedule Planner page,
    1. Select Term. Save and Continue.
    2. Select Campus. Limiting your selection to a specific campus is particularly helpful when you only want to see courses offered at that location. Save and Continue.
    3. From the Home screen select Course Status (Open Classes Only. Open & Full w/Waitlist Open, Open & Full). Save.
    4. From the Home screen select Delivery Methods (Online/Web, Face-to-Face, etc.). Save.
    5. From the Home screen click "+ Add Course"
      1. Search for the course(s) and add to schedule.
      2. Search By Subject, Search By Attribute, Search By CRN, Search By Instructor
      3. Click "+ Add Course Number" to add to schedule
      4. Once all courses are added, click "Go Back to Generate Schedules"
    6. From the Home screen click "+ Add Break"
      1.  For instance: Work, Study, Commute, etc. Save.
    7. From the Home screen click "Generate Schedules"
      1. Hover over the magnifying glass to get a glance at the schedule
      2. Click "View" to view more details
      3. Compare up to 4 schedules
        1. Click "Open" when comparing schedules to view more details
  5. Once the appropriate schedule has been found
    1. Email the schedule for reference or to an advisor
    2. Select the "Send to Shopping Cart" button at the top of the page. A pop-up will appear, click "Continue"
    3. From the 'Schedule Planner Registration Cart' click "Complete Registration Changes" to enroll in the class(es).
  6. Registration shortcut: Classes may be added by CRN directly from the Add/Drop/Withdraw Classes page. Find the Registration menu, click "Add/Drop/Withdraw Classes," enter the CRN(s) and click the "Complete Registration Changes" button. To search for more classes, click on "Class Search."

Common Registration Errors

  • Instructor approval: During the second week of each regular semester, the automatic waitlist function is turned off and an instructor approval override is required to register for any full-semester courses. Registration is restricted to students who have instructor overrides entered into UAOnline. Contact the instructor and provide your UA Student ID number and the CRN to request an APPROVAL override to be placed into UAOnline. After it is placed, you may complete your registration online.
  • Prerequisite not met: Registration is limited to students who have met prerequisite course and/or test score restrictions (exactly as written in the UAA catalog course description). Click the CRN or check the catalog to see prerequisites. Contact the instructor or the department offering the course if you meet the prerequisite in an alternate manner, such as transfer courses or other prior experience. 
  • Campus restriction: Registration is limited to UAA students until open registration. UAF/UAS students must wait until the open registration date to register.
  • Closed section: Registration is closed because the class is full. If the class has waitlist seats available, it is possible to join the waitlist and receive an email if a seat becomes available. Waitlists are only active through the first week of each regular semester. See the waitlist instructions or the waitlisting video tutorial.
  • Corequisite required: Co-requisite courses must be taken together at the same time (lecture and lab courses are often corequisites). These must be registered in one transaction by adding both CRNs and clicking "Complete Registration Changes" to register for both courses at once. You may also use the Schedule Planner Registration Cart to add both courses and register simultaneously for both.
  • Department approval: Registration is limited to students who have departmental approval. Contact the department offering the course to request an override. Please note that sections which have Department approvals are often reserved for a specific cohort of students, so it is beneficial to select a different section if you are not part of that cohort.
  • Duplicate: This error means that you are already registered for another section of the same course. In most cases, simultaneous registration in two or more sections of the same course is not allowed. If the course is approved for multiple registrations, contact the department offering the course to request a DUPLICATE override.
  • Level restriction: Registration is restricted to students in a particular level (for example, graduate). Click on the CRN to see level restriction information.
  • Maximum hours exceeded: Registration in the class will exceed the maximum number of credits allowed for the semester. To enroll in extra credits, submit a Request for Credit Overload Form, available on our Forms page.
  • Registration changes not allowed: The registration period for the class has not yet opened or has passed.
  • Registration hold: Registration holds block registration until the hold is removed by the initiating office. Missing a deadline due to a hold does not justify an exception. Registration holds may result from:
    • Unpaid tuition and fees and/or outstanding balances on the student account (e.g., parking fines, course fees). Contact the Office of the Bursar at 907-786-1440.
    • Judicial/disciplinary holds. Contact the Dean of Students Office at 907-786-1214.
    • Other registration holds. Contact Enrollment Services at 907-786-1480, option 5.
    • UAA is part of a statewide system. Therefore, a hold at one University of Alaska campus will affect registration at all UA campuses.