Committees & Boards

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Committees of USUAA

All Senators and Delegates of USUAA are required to join up to two of the following sub-committees:

  • Student & Academic Affairs
  • Activities
  • Finance
  • Rules
  • Legislative Affairs

Executive Committee - The Executive Committee is composed of the President, Vice President, Speaker of the Assembly, Speaker Pro Tempore, Chief Financial Officer, Government Relations Officer, and Chief Activities Officer. The committee meets regularly to consider and coordinate all matters concerning the Assembly. Executives provide direction, organizational oversight, management, and strategic planning for USUAA and its committees. They address internal matters to help improve communication, support, progress, and duties of each standing committee.

Boards of USUAA

Members of USUAA are strongly encouraged to join one of the various Boards established by the USUAA Constitution. These Boards function independent from the USUAA General Assembly and have separate goals, meeting times, and operating procedures. 

Election Board - Coordinates all aspects of student government elections including promoting the election, providing workshops for candidates, establishing voting locations on campus, and verifying election results.

Green Fee Board - Administers the $3 per semester Green Fee. Students can submit grant proposals to receive funding for projects that are environmentally wise, economically sound and socially responsible.

Concert Board - The UAA Concert Board is a student fee-funded program designed to offer students an educational volunteer opportunity in the entertainment industry. Concert Board works hard to bring outstanding performers to UAA and the Anchorage community.

Club Council - The governing body for all student clubs at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Greek Council - Serves as a liaison between Greek organizations affiliated with UAA and the administration, faculty, and non-Greek students at UAA. 

Residence Hall Association - Governing body for the UAA residence halls and apartments. 

Board/Organization Date Time Location
Residence Hall Association
Sundays 8PM Gorsuch Commons 106
Election Board
Contact via email    
Concert Board
Fridays 2PM  Student Life & Leadership Conference Room 
Club Council
Fridays (bi-weekly)
Next meeting: February 1
1PM Student Union South Cafeteria
Green Fee Board
Fridays 12PM  Student Life & Leadership Conference Room
Greek Council

 **Board/Organization meetings are subject to change, changes should be posted 24 hours in advance.