People and Structure
USUAA Assembly
The USUAA Assembly is comprised of a president, vice president, 10 senators, 12 delegates, and 3 liaisons.
Students interested in joining USUAA must be enrolled in at least 3 credit hours, have paid the Anchorage consolidated fee, and have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Students with no established GPA or a GPA that is between 2.5 and 2.0 can join USUAA under a probationary status. After one semester of membership, the student must meet the required 2.5 GPA or be dismissed from the assembly. If a student falls under a 2.0 GPA, he/she will not be eligible for probation and will be dismissed from the assembly.
President and Vice President
The USUAA president and vice president are elected by the student body in the spring general election. See USUAA Elections for more information.

Eisa Chang is an ambitious and dedicated international student from Taiwan. From 2023
to 2024, she served as a Liaison for the Residence Hall Association at Student Government
and founded and led the Pre-Health Society in 2022. She is currently a competitive
member of the Seawolf Debate program and an active Resident Advisor.
Eisa, who majors in business management and aims for a career in industrial and organizational
psychology, is committed to making a positive impact on our campus community through
her leadership and advocacy.
The President acts as the official spokesperson for USUAA Student Government and provides leadership, support, and direction for USUAA Student Government as an organization. In this role, the President appoints numerous student representatives to serve on boards and committees within the University to offer student voice and opinion. The President holds the authority to approve or veto Assembly legislation and will work in conjunction with the Associate Director for Student Leadership and Administrative Assistant to supervise all paid USUAA employees.

Kaitlin Norton is a born and raised Alaskan dedicated to UAA. She has previously served as a Senator for USUAA and Chair of the Activities Committee. She is the Founder and current President of the Bookish Club at UAA.
Kaitlin, an Aviation Technology major with an Air Traffic Control minor, combines a passion for aviation safety while working for the Federal Aviation Administration. With a proven track record in student leadership, a commitment to advocacy, and a vision for continuing to improve student experience, she is dedicated to representing and serving the student body with integrity and enthusiasm.
The vice president oversees internal matters of the USUAA organization. The vice president is an ex-officio member of all sub-committees of the USUAA Assembly and they appoint the sergeant-at-arms. The vice president performs the duties of the president in the event of temporary absence. The vice president will automatically take over the position of president in the event of a presidential resignation, impeachment, recall, or other incapacity.
There are 10 student senator positions on the USUAA Assembly. The senators represent all UAA students who have paid the student government fee. Senators look for ways to enhance the quality of education and campus life. They advocate on a variety of issues related to the budget, tuition, academic programs, the administration, and more. Senators are responsible for gathering opinions and testimony on issues important to the UAA student body. They are expected to research, draft, and vote on legislation.
Senators must also serve on two standing committees within USUAA. Committee options include: activities, rules, student and academic affairs, finance, and legislative affairs. Each of these committees coordinates programs, events, and activities to carry out USUAA's mission.
Senators are elected by the student body during the UAA general election (in spring) or collect signatures through the petition packet process to join the assembly.
Current senators:
- Macchelssy Dinganga
- Jason Ritter
There are two delegates from each college that serve on the USUAA Assembly.
Delegates are similar to senators and liaisons but are elected as representatives of their respective College to represent the specific needs of that student population. Delegates are responsible for researching, drafting, and voting on legislation dealing with student issues in order to enhance the quality of education and life for both current and future UAA students.
Delegates are elected by the student body during the UAA general election (in spring) or collect signatures through the petition packet process to join the assembly.
Current delegates:
- Aaron Barker, Graduate College
- Jacob Clifford, Community and Technical College
- Arel Gutierrez, College of Engineering
There are three student liaisons that serve on the USUAA Assembly: Club Council, Greek Council, and Residence Hall Association.
Liaisons are similar to senators but are appointed by their respective student organization to represent the specific needs of that student population. Liaisons are responsible for researching, drafting, and voting on legislation dealing with student issues in order to enhance the quality of education and life for both current and future UAA students.
Contact the student organization directly for information on how to become a liaison.
Current liaisons:
- Aidan Efird, Club Council
- Amber Ala, Residence Hall Association
Executive Positions
Executive positions are assigned to sitting senators and delegates at the beginning of every spring and fall semester.
Iqlas Dubed, Speaker of the Assembly is responsible for calling, setting the agenda, and chairing all meetings of the assembly, as well as serving as the advisory voice of the assembly to the president and vice president.
Vacant, Speaker of the Assembly Pro Tempore is responsible for performing the duties of the speaker of the assembly in his/her absence as well as serving as the chair of the Student and Academic Affairs Committee.
Arel Gutierrez, Government Relations Officer is responsible for coordinating advocacy efforts internally and externally, serving as the chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee, preparing reports for the assembly and for other governance bodies on actions taken, as well as coordinating dialogue with elected and non-elected officials on the university, municipal, and state levels.
Jason Ritter, Chief Financial Officer is responsible for serving as the chair of the Finance Committee, tracking the status of budget line items and funds remaining, as well as advising the assembly on all matters relating to the organization's finances.
Sergeant-At-Arms / Rules Chair is responsible for serving as the chair of the Rules Committee, politely enforcing the speaker's directives relating to the order at all assembly meetings, monitoring ethical behavior, and tracking attendance and service award requirements.
Vacant, Chief Activities Officer is responsible for serving as the chair of the Activities Committee and overseeing the coordination and execution of events to encourage campus involvement and enhance student life at the university.
Daniel Ribuffo, Ombuds, is the chief protector and defender of students' right and acts as students' confidante. Serves as a source of information to students concerning policies, rules and regulations of USUAA and the University of Alaska Anchorage. (Appointed position.)