Current Graduate Courses
Summer 2025
Adv Studies Culture & Ecology
3 Credits
Adv Studies Culture & Ecology
Explores in depth cultural and ecological systems, examining sociopolitical dimensions of environmental change and ecological knowledge. Special Note: Graduate students will be assigned more in-depth research, additional class readings and mentoring positions for undergraduates. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing May be stacked with: ANTH A454
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:51157 551 Ogilvie, Kristen May 19 - July 19 5
Spring 2025
Research Design
1 Credits
Research Design
Applies method and theory of research design to students' capstone research (thesis or applied project). Covers developing a research question, conducting a literature review, and writing a research prospectus.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30113 001 W 4:00PM - 4:50PM BMH 241 Harrod, Ryan January 13 - May 3 0 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Adv Studies in Culture/Health
3 Credits
Adv Studies in Culture/Health
Surveys and evaluates the relationship of human culture to health and disease. Includes ancient disease and impact on human evolution, interrelationship between biology and culture, alternative health systems, and applicability to contemporary problems. Special Note: Graduate students will be assigned more in-depth research, additional class readings and mentoring positions for undergraduates. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing May be stacked with: ANTH A455
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35599 251 MW 2:30PM - 3:45PM BMH 119 Harrod, Ryan January 13 - May 3 4 View detailed information for CRN:35599 251 MW 2:30PM - 3:45PM DIST ONLINE Harrod, Ryan January 13 - May 3 4 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Adv Applied Ethics in Anth
3 Credits
Adv Applied Ethics in Anth
Examines critically the ethical issues that confront anthropologists and archaeologists, and the responsibilities they have to the public, the discipline, their colleagues, and members of the communities with whom they are working. Course topic will vary with focus on a different subfield of anthropology. Special Note: May be repeated once with a change of subtitle. Graduate students will be assigned more in-depth research, additional class readings and mentoring positions for undergraduates. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing May be stacked with: ANTH A458
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35601 251 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM BMH 243 Smith, Gerad January 13 - May 3 0 View detailed information for CRN:35601 251 TR 1:00PM - 2:15PM DIST ONLINE Smith, Gerad January 13 - May 3 0 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Adv Field Methods Cultrl Anth
1 - 8 Credits
Adv Field Methods Cultrl Anth
Applies cultural anthropological research techniques by completing field-based research as a class project. Projects vary each semester but may include archival/historical research and contemporary ethnographic projects. Methods may include qualitative and quantitative data collection with an emphasis on ethnographic research techniques. Special Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits. Graduate students will supervise undergraduate tasks under supervision of instructor. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing and instructor approval May be stacked with: ANTH A487
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35603 251 - FIELD TBA Ogilvie, Kristen January 13 - May 3 4 View detailed information for CRN:35603 251 MW 1:00PM - 2:15PM BMH 243 Ogilvie, Kristen January 13 - May 3 4 View detailed information for CRN:35603 251 MW 1:00PM - 2:15PM DIST ONLINE Ogilvie, Kristen January 13 - May 3 4 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Adv Culture Environment Place
3 Credits
Adv Culture Environment Place
Examines and evaluates relationships among human culture, space and place with attention to the constructions and perceptions of the physical environment. Special Note: May be repeated once with a change of subtitle. Graduate students will be assigned more in-depth research, additional class readings and mentoring positions for undergraduates. Registration Restrictions: Graduate standing May be stacked with: ANTH A490E
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35605 251 TR 11:30AM - 12:45AM BMH 119 Taivalkoski, Ariel January 13 - May 3 0 View detailed information for CRN:35605 251 TR 11:30AM - 12:45AM DIST ONLINE Taivalkoski, Ariel January 13 - May 3 0 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Anthropology Practicum
1 - 3 Credits
Anthropology Practicum
Engages in an anthropology practicum in the public or private sector. Emphasizes the application of anthropological skills under the supervision of a professional anthropologist. Special Note: Arranged practicum between graduate advisor and an outside mentor. Registration Restrictions: Admission to the Master of Arts in Anthropology
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:36544 201 - ARR ARR Harrod, Ryan January 13 - May 3 0 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Individual Research
1 - 3 Credits
Individual Research
Engages student in supervised field, laboratory and/or library research that precedes research capstone activities (thesis research or applied project). Special Note: Students may enroll for variable credit, but at least two credits are required for graduation. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits.
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30117 202 - ARR ARR Taivalkoski, Ariel January 13 - May 3 1 View detailed information for CRN:30117 202 - DIST ARR Taivalkoski, Ariel January 13 - May 3 1 View detailed information for CRN:30118 203 - ARR ARR Ogilvie, Kristen January 13 - May 3 2 View detailed information for CRN:30118 203 - DIST ARR Ogilvie, Kristen January 13 - May 3 2 View detailed information for CRN:30119 204 - ARR ARR Dunstan, Adam January 13 - May 3 1 View detailed information for CRN:30119 204 - DIST ARR Dunstan, Adam January 13 - May 3 1 View detailed information for CRN:35606 201 - ARR ARR Smith, Gerad January 13 - May 3 1 View detailed information for CRN:35606 201 - DIST ARR Smith, Gerad January 13 - May 3 1 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Applied Capstone Project
1 - 6 Credits
Applied Capstone Project
Engages student in applied research activities conducted under the supervision of a graduate committee for a research capstone applied project. Special Note: Students may enroll for variable credit, but at least three credits are required for graduation. Offered during all semesters. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Registration Restrictions: Faculty advisor approval
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:30120 001 - ARR ARR Ogilvie, Kristen January 13 - May 3 2 View detailed information for CRN:36244 002 - ARR ARR Harrod, Ryan January 13 - May 3 1 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.
Thesis Research
1 - 6 Credits
Thesis Research
Engages student in independent research conducted under the supervision of a graduate committee for a research-based thesis. Special Note: Students may enroll for variable credit, but at least three credits are required for graduation. Offered during all semesters. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Registration Restrictions: Faculty advisor approval
(Click on an individual CRN for more information on each offering)
CRN Section Day(s) Times Bldg/Room Instructor Dates Open Seats View detailed information for CRN:35607 201 - ARR ARR Ogilvie, Kristen January 13 - May 3 0 View detailed information for CRN:35607 201 - DIST ARR Ogilvie, Kristen January 13 - May 3 0 Blackboard
No Distance Learning courses available.