Strategic Planning Process
Exploratory Group on Strategic Planning
- Susan Kalina, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Sharon Chamard, Associate Professor, Justice Center
- Scott Downing, Assistant Professor of English, Department of Arts and Humanities
- Larry Foster, Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
- Erin Holmes, Associate Vice Provost, Institutional Research
- Brian Ibsen, Director of Philanthropy, University Advancement
- Monica Kane, Chief of Staff & Contract Administrator, Office of Administrative Services
- Gokhan Karahan, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance Department
- Theresa Lyons, Executive Director, Student Outreach & Transition
- Shayne Nuesca, Social Media Specialist, University Relations
- Dan O’Connor, Campus Director, Prince William Sound College
- LuAnn Piccard, Project Management Dept. Chair/Associate Professor of Engineering, Science & Project Management
- Denise Runge, Dean, Community & Technical College
- Leverette G. Hoover, General Manager - Alaska, Hawaii, Guam & The PACRIM/Siemens Industry Inc.
UAA’s current strategic plan, UAA 2020, will expire in one year. At the same time, UAA is beginning its next seven-year reaccreditation cycle with NWCCU. In addition, UAA will be developing major themes for its comprehensive campaign. This is an opportune time for the university and communities connected to it to align these planning activities and to envision a robust future for UAA.
The purpose of this group is to define potential processes by which UAA will conduct a broad based strategic planning process. This group is not asked to develop the strategic plan, but rather to help us think about various ways we can go about our next cycle of planning and how the strategic plan, core themes for accreditation, and campaign themes might align and support each other. As with other groups, we will share your final report throughout the UAA community in the spirit of transparency and to obtain broad input.
Some general areas to explore might include:
- Length of our next planning cycle
- Degree to which the strategic plan and core themes are developed together and process and timeline for doing so
- Degree to which the strategic plan should or could align with fundraising campaign themes
- Articulate the similarities, differences, and alignment of our strategic plan, core themes, and campaign themes
- Description and critique of the processes used to develop UAA 2017 and UAA 2020 as well as processes used by other peer institutions
- Should we engage a consultant to assist us in our planning efforts or do we have internal resources to complete the plan?
- Other issues as identified by the group
This exploratory group will provide recommendations by May 31, 2019.