Sample Calendar Control Spuds

The below are Calendar controls that can be hidden or shown using the settings in the 25Live Control Spud for your Calendar. Some of these have additional settings that can only be changed in 25Live Publisher. If you wish to have the settings changed for your Calendar contact the 25Live System Administrator.

 25Live Calendar Search Box Control Spud

 Keyword Search Box

Find all events that have a word in their Name or Description.

 25Live Calendar List Control Spud

 Calendar List

This only works if you use Sub-Calendars to populate your calendar. To ensure that you do not get duplicate events on your calendar you must ensure that an event is only ever added to one of the sub-calendars. The best way to do this is to create your overall calendar directly in 25Live publisher and then send all of your sub-calendars as published searches under the main calendar you created in 25Live Publisher. The list you see will be the names of your sub-calendars.

 25Live Calendar Filter Control Spud

Organization Filter Control Spud

 Filter Boxes

Different filter options can be added and removed. This is an example of the most commonly used filters. The default filter is for Event Types only.

Organizations filter will be a drop down list of all Organizations attached to any event on the calendar.

Instructor filter will be a drop down list of all people listed as Instructor Contacts on the events on your calendar. Please note that Instructor is only a Contact option on Accredited Courses.

 25Live Calendar Go To Date Control Spud

 Go To Date Box

Goes to the date you enter on that calendar. Date can be entered in almost any date format.

 25Live Calendar View Chooser Tab Control Spud

 Tab Chooser

Shows a tab for each one of the views you have setup on your calendar. Clicking on a tab takes you to that view in the calendar. Views area added and removed in 25Live Publisher.

 25Live Calendar Month List Control Spud

 Month List

Only months that there are events on the calendar in will appear. Clicking on the month takes you to that month on the Calendar view.

 25Live Calendar Date Finder Control Spud

 Date Picker

Only Dates with events will colored dark green. The date the calendar is currently on will be in gold. Clicking on a date will jump you to that date on the Calendar view. Hover over a date and it will drop down a list of events that day on this calendar.