Forum on the oil-tax referendum: Hear both sides, July 23

by Jamie Gonzales  |   

Wednesday, July 23, 7-9 p.m. Wilda Marston Theatre, Loussac Library (3600 Denali Street, Anchorage)

UAA's Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) is co-sponsoring a forum on the oil-tax referendum with Alaska Common Ground. Other co-sponsors include the League of Women Voters of Anchorage, the League of Women Voters of Alaska, Anchorage Public Library and Alaska Integrated Media.

Last year the Alaska Legislature made a controversial change in the oil production tax, which is the state's largest source of revenue. In the primary election scheduled for Aug. 19, Alaskans will vote on whether to keep or repeal the new tax system-commonly known as Senate Bill (SB) 21.

Alaska Common Ground and several co-sponsors (including ISER) are holding a forum on the oil-tax referendum on Wednesday, July 23, in the Wilda Marston Theatre of Anchorage's Loussac Library, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The forum is free and open to the public.

Speaking in favor of repealing the new tax-a "yes" vote to repeal-will be Bill Wielechowski, a state senator from Anchorage, and Gregg Erickson, a long-time Alaska economist. On the opposing side, supporting the new system-a "no" vote to keep the new tax-will be Brad Keithley, an oil and gas policy consultant, and Roger Marks, a veteran petroleum economist. Gunnar Knapp, the director of ISER, will moderate the forum.

This event will differ from a number of others that have been held on this issue, because it will focus on getting each side to answer the other side's questions. Please join us to hear what both sides have to say.


Alaska Common Ground is a non-profit organization that works to engage Alaskans in conversations about major public policy issues facing the state.

For more information, go to or call (907) 952-3353.

Creative Commons License "Forum on the oil-tax referendum: Hear both sides, July 23" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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