UAA researcher Cory Williams' work on Arctic ground squirrels highlighted in National Science Foundation video series

by Michelle Saport  |   

A recent Science Nation video, "The Arctic ground squirrel sheds light on circadian rhythms," highlights the research of physiological ecologist Cory Williams, postdoctoral fellow at UAA, and a team of scientists from UAA, UAF and Michigan State. There's also a Q-and-A with Williams posted alongside the video-check it out here.

Science Nation is a video series commissioned by the National Science Foundation. Distributed throughout the world, the series "examine[s] the breakthroughs, and the possibilities for new discoveries about our planet, our universe and ourselves."

Creative Commons License "UAA researcher Cory Williams' work on Arctic ground squirrels highlighted in National Science Foundation video series" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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