Calling all UAA community veterans—students, staff, faculty and alumni—for a group photo Nov. 5
by Kathleen McCoy |
In honor of Nov. 11 and our nation's annual tribute to its Veterans, we invite any and all UAA community members who are Veterans to join in a spontaneous group photo to celebrate your service to the country.
The photo will be taken looking down into the Student Union Cafeteria from the landing above at about 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 5. Gather at about 12:20 p.m. in the ground floor hallway outside the Military and Veterans Student Services Office and listen for directions.
Another event is ending at noon in the Cafeteria, so we may need to move away a few tables and grab a corner of the room.
Thank you so much for considering joining in this event. Come and show your support for your fellow Veterans!
Can't make the photo? Send us your active duty photos to share with the community in our annual salute.