Next debate in Arguing Alaska series addresses campaign contribution limits

by Michelle Saport  |   

Monday, March 28, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Bear Tooth Theatrepub

In late 2015, a group of Alaskans filed a federal lawsuit challenging Alaska's caps on campaign contributions. In an election year that has us paying a great deal of attention to the influence of money in politics, this raises a very timely issue: Do the various limits placed on individual campaign contributions to political candidates and groups in Alaska violate the U.S. Constitution?

While the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in the past that narrowly tailored campaign contribution limits are constitutional, they have also struck down some limits as unreasonable, like those in Vermont in 2006 and those invalidated by the infamous Citizens United ruling. The constitutionality may not be clear, but the question certainly is: Where is the line between money, speech and politics in Alaska? Join us Monday, March 28 for a public debate that will explore this complex issue.

The motion: "Alaska's caps on campaign contributions should be struck down." Pro: Joe Miller and Kyle Hampton Con: Eric Croft and Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins

Tickets are $15 at the Bear Tooth box office and online.

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March Archive