UA Board of Regents to meet in Anchorage - April 7-8, 2016
by Michelle Saport |
The University of Alaska Board of Regents will receive an update from President Jim Johnsen on how the university plans to meet the FY17 budget reductions, as well as next steps for moving the Strategic Pathways framework forward during its spring meeting April 7-8 in Anchorage.
The two-day meeting also will include recognition and presentations of the annual Staff Make Students Count award. The award, established in the spring of 1999, recognizes university employees who have provided outstanding service to UA students. The awardees were nominated and selected by their peers, and the annual public recognition allows regents to meet these staff members and congratulate them for their outstanding service to students.
Other issues to be taken up by the regents include an update on legislation currently pending in the Alaska Legislature, discussion of regent Title IX outreach efforts, discussion on possible changes to the way in which regents engage the public though public testimony and a presentation by Dr. Dan White on the university's research programs. Research, development (R&D) and scholarship are integral to the university's goal to partner with the state in growing Alaska's economy.
The meeting will be held in in the UAA Gorsuch Commons. Public testimony will be held at 9:40 a.m. on Thursday, April 7, and 8:30 a.m. on Friday, April 8.
A full agenda including committee and consent agenda items, policy actions, and scheduled reports is posted to the Board of Regents site along with a link to access the live web stream.
All meetings of the Board of Regents and its committees, except for executive sessions, are open to the public. Live stream online during open session here. Video streaming will be unavailable during executive session.
Reminder: President Johnsen will be at UAA April 12 to discuss Strategic Pathways in open forums for governance groups, students and faculty/staff.