David Moxley joins UAA as new director of School of Social Work
by Michelle Saport |
The College of Health is pleased to welcome Dr. David Moxley to UAA as the new director of the School of Social Work, effective Aug. 1, 2017. Dr. Moxley will be assuming this position following the June 30 retirement of longtime director, Dr. Elizabeth Sirles.
Bringing forty years of experience in social work practice and education, David P. Moxley (Ph.D., Ohio State University; DPA, Western Michigan University) joins the University of Alaska Anchorage as professor and director of its School of Social Work.
His experience spans work with highly vulnerable populations-including those struggling with homelessness, serious mental illness, developmental disabilities, or serious health issues-to bring about supportive environments, responsive social institutions, good health and well-being, and social involvement and participation. For eleven years, David served as the Oklahoma Health Care Authority Medicaid Professor in the University of Oklahoma Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work. Prior to his appointment to an endowed chair in the University of Oklahoma, for twenty years David served on the faculty of the Wayne State University School of Social Work in Detroit, where he co-chaired the Graduate Concentration in Community Practice and Social Action, served in multiple administrative positions, and advanced social work practice with older African-American women who became homeless after the age of 50.
David is very excited about joining the University of Alaska Anchorage because of its deep commitment to advancing community engagement, its strong social work faculty and leadership, outstanding social work students and alumni, and the commitment of the school's community partners to the advancement of the quality of life of all Alaskans.