Oct. 31, 2017: Rachel Wahto defends thesis, "Predictors of Therapists' Attitudes, Outcome Expectations and Preferences for Therapy"

by Michelle Saport  |   

Dissertation Defense: Predictors of Therapists' Attitudes, Outcome Expectations and Preferences for Therapy By Rachel Wahto, doctoral candidate in clinical-community-psychology Tuesday, Oct. 31, 10-11:30 a.m. Social Science Building, Room 302 (and via video-conference to UAF, Gruening 209)

Therapists' effects account for 7 percent of the variance in their clients' outcomes. This study examined therapist characteristics including their attitudes about psychotherapy, expectations for their clients' outcomes, preferences for providing therapy, and beliefs about the importance of specific common factors variables in psychotherapy. Please join Rachel Wahto for an overview of her study and the implications of her findings.

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