April 26, 2018: Free documentary film screening and discussion about housing discrimination
by Michelle Saport |
Watch a free screening of the documentary film A Matter of Place and join a discussion about housing discrimination Thursday, April 26, 6-7:30 p.m. in Rasmuson Hall, Room 110. Refreshments provided.
About the documentary: A Matter of Place connects past struggles for fair housing to contemporary incidents of housing bias based on race, sexual orientation, disability and source of income, and presents three stories of people who faced housing discrimination in present-day New York City. They poignantly describe the injuries inflicted on them during these incidents, as well as their resolve to fight for justice. Through experts, civil rights advocates and fair housing testers, the film also recounts our nation's often overlooked history of residential segregation and introduces viewers to systemic and pervasive injustices that, despite the existence of fair housing laws, continue to inflict harm on entire communities and individuals throughout America.
Sponsored by UAA Multicultural Center, The Fair Housing Project and Alaska Legal Services Corporation.