Kids2College volunteer opportunity - April 12, 2019

by Michelle Saport  |   

UAA is welcoming the Kids2College program back to campus on Friday, April 12. This event is part of a larger program put on by Alaska Commission on Post-Secondary Education, whose goal is to promote access to, and success in education. Approximately 700 kiddos from the Anchorage School District will be visiting UAA, and rotating through three learning sessions. An estimated 700 students will visit campus during the event this year and we need your help to make it a valuable and fun experience for them.

We are recruiting faculty and staff to teach 30-minute hands-on learning sessions. As an instructor, you can commit to teach up to four sessions. Be creative in determining what and how you'd like to teach!

Additionally, we are recruiting volunteers to guide classes of students (assisted by their teachers and chaperones) around campus. As a volunteer guide, you will get to spend the day with a class of students identified by a color and animal. You'll be the keeper of that class' schedule and make sure your class gets to the correct location on campus.

Lastly, volunteers are needed to make sure rooms are unlocked, technology is working, and instructors are ready to go in their locations.

The tentative schedule for the day will be:

9:15-9:45 a.m. Bus drop off, and check in 10-10:30 a.m. Session 1 / Lunch 10:40-11:10 a.m. Session 2 / Lunch 11:20-11:50 a.m. Session 3 / Lunch 12-12:30 p.m. Session 4 / Lunch

Please reach out to Alexis Rasley at if you are interested in volunteering.

Creative Commons License "Kids2College volunteer opportunity - April 12, 2019" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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