Introducing UA's new wellness program for FY20
by Michelle Saport |
University of Alaska's new wellness program is here!
You'll find a lot of things that look the same, and some things are a little different. You can now connect your Apple or Google (Android) device for activity tracking through the health kit on those devices. You still need to take a health risk assessment and have a biometric screening, but now we call those "point" activities instead of credits. This means you need 7 points instead of 5 on the old plan, but it's all the same activities. And for those who like to collect points, we're offering a special raffle later on for those who earn up to 12 points!
Log on to using:
- Your username of your FIRSTNAMELASTNAMEBIRTHYEAR (all caps, no spaces); and
- Your default password is your birthday in MMDDYYYY format.
For example, Walter Smith Jr. born Jan. 13, 1962 would be: WALTERSMITHJR1962 for his username, and 01131962 for his password, which he'll be prompted to change to something else.
The full program manual is available on the dashboard, or you can find it here to guide you through the program. Once you log in, you'll also find a video tutorial to walk you through the whole site. The UA Wellness website has more information too.
Oct. 1 will be the start date for our new onsite program manager. She'll be holding sessions to help you get the most out of PreventionCloud. More details coming soon!
Questions? Please contact our team at for assistance.