College During COVID: How will snowfall impact my access to campus this year?
by Green & Gold News |
Winter maintenance at UAA will operate under a different service model this season. These operational changes are necessitated by reductions in staffing, budget impacts and lower user density on campus resulting from COVID-19. Here are four key ways things will look different from prior years:
- Snow removal services will continue to be provided for all roadways, parking lots and sidewalks on campus. However, due to reduced staffing, fewer operators will be clearing snow from campus. Priority areas (listed below) will be serviced first. Please be patient as operators work through clearing priority areas.
- To save costs, snow removal will primarily take place during regular business hours. Please be mindful of heavy- and light-duty equipment operating on campus. Always be aware of your surroundings and make eye contact with equipment operators before crossing their work path.
- All drivers are strongly encouraged to use parking garages during winter, especially after snow events.
- Minor adjustments have been made to servicing three trails on and around campus.
Please review the following access guidance from Parking Services and Facilities as we navigate through operational changes resulting from COVID-19.
UAA winter access guidance
After considering reduced campus occupancy and crew capacity, Facilities and Parking Services developed a plan to provide priority service to the following areas:
- Roadways and fire lanes will be cleared beginning at 5 a.m.
- Parking lots will be cleared beginning at 5 a.m. Priority will be given to Library, Alaska Airlines Center Reserve Lot, Health Sciences Building, West Campus Central and Short/K Lot.
- ADA-accessible spaces in the above referenced priority lots will be cleared first.
- Facilities and Parking Services strongly encourage drivers to utilize parking garages during winter months, especially after snow events. All parking garages will remain open for the rest of the academic year; however, garage roofs will be closed for safety as weather conditions dictate.
- Emergency access between UPD and Residence Halls will be maintained overnight, as determined by weather events.
- Pathways will be cleared beginning at 5 a.m., with priority given to ADA space access and access to/from parking garages.
- Trails along Providence Drive will receive normal snow removal service. However, three trails
will receive reduced or alternative care this winter.
- The portion of the Goose Lake Trail that runs from EBL to ConocoPhillipsIntegrated Science Building will become a groomed trail. APU Facilities has graciously agreed to groom this portion of the trail system creating a connection to the existing groomed trail system around the lake.
- The Unnamed Multiuse Trails, which run between the West Sports Complex Lot and the Engineering Parking Garage, and Alumni Drive to/from Alaska Pacific University, will not receive snow removal services this winter. Please use caution and the appropriate gear when accessing these portions of the trail system.
Remember, safety first! As we shift to this winter operations model, please remember to always be aware of your surroundings. Equipment operators may not see you, so make eye contact with the equipment operator before crossing their work path.
If you notice an area that needs immediate attention, please reach out to Work Management at 907-786-6980 or report conditions to University Police Department at 907-786-1120.