April 2022 Archive

Job opening: Health Promotion Specialist

The Student Health and Counseling Center is seeking a dynamic and team focused individual with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Education, Health Promotion, Public Health, or a closely related field, to lead our team of peer health educators in campus wide health promotion, which includes facilitating bystander intervention training.

Progress on the UAA Campus Facilities Master Plan

Thank you for the rich engagement feedback many have provided throughout this academic year to our master planning team. This feedback is informing our edits and approaches to the draft update of the campus facilities master plan (CFMP) for all UAA campuses in order to increase vibrancy and cohesiveness on our campuses.

Participate in faculty-led survey about natural hazards

Schmidt is looking into other hazards related to climate change too. She encourages homeowners to participate in a survey about wildfire, permafrost thaw and icing/rain in the winter. This will help her gauge how these are affecting people and whether there is a need for education or mitigation programs.

Job opening: Fiscal Coordinator - Athletics

UAA Athletics is inviting applications for a full-time Fiscal Coordinator. This position is the purchasing guru and revenue handler for all athletic teams and programs and works closely with coaches and staff.

Erin Hicks is hoping black holes will answer some of our biggest astronomical questions

Erin Hicks in the UAA Planetarium and Visualization Theater.

Erin Hicks, associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, has studied black holes and their relationship to galaxies. With the James Webb Space Telescope launch, she is one step closer to unlocking their confounding mystery.

Enrollment Services Executive Director of Admissions Open Forum

Please join Enrollment Services and Executive Director of Admissions candidate Alex Alvendia-Wienkers for their Open Forum presentation on Tuesday, April 12, at 1:15 p.m. This Open Forum will be presented via Zoom.

Request for nominations: Community-Engaged Awards

The Center for Community Engagement and Learning would like to recognize some of the AMAZING work folks have done this year! We're seeking nominations for several community-engaged awards.

Nominate your colleagues for the Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence

Take time to nominate your colleagues for the Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence! The program is accepting nominations for the 2022 awards now through Friday, April 29. These awards recognize UAA employees for extraordinary work and dedication to our students and university community.

NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Proposal

The UAA Office of Research is working toward developing an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Proposal. We are targeting a multi-disciplinary REU site that requires a common coherent theme across disciplines. Our current working theme is Research Experience in Cold Climate Engineering, and Science (RECESS).

April 15: UAA College of Health Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Symposium

The College of Health invites students, faculty and staff to join us online for the final session of the 2022 COH Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Symposium.

April Archive